Friday, March 22, 2024

The Victors: Eisenhower and his boys the men of WW2 by Stephen E Ambrose 199, 270pg


From invading Normandy till German Capitulation.  
Note: I only read sections of this book that I never knew about and were very interesting, and not in other books I had read 
 The End of th Day       10
1944 June 6th.90 thousand GIs entered France by land or sea, More than 2 million would follow. There were some teenagers but the average age was 22 to 23 amongst the enlisted me.  From Sept to Spring 1944 they came in at Cherbourg and Le Havre and came as liberators not conquerors. The intelligence  had not realized that the hedgerows was unlike those in England the kind that fox hunter jump over. Hedgerows dated back from Norman times  French farmers would pile up soil around their fields and plant hedges and trees there. The troops had no specialized equipment against this.
Hitler was sure that the spoiled sons of democracy couldn't stand the solid sons of dictatorship. Victory depended on Junior officers and NCOs on the front lines. Here no terrain in the world was more  suited for defensive action.
Young men just arriving learned to keep head down , dig deep, distinguish between incoming and out going artillery , judge when an where a mortar barrage would hit and that fear is inevitable but can be managed.
Artillery does not fire forever guns over heat , ammunition's runs low.  A soft spoken kid in camp could be a standout in combat. Combat brought out the best in some men it brought out the worst in others.
Montgomery shunned women after his wife died did not smoke or drink and was conceited. His arrogance offended even British officers. Eisenhower was modest. Personality difference strained relationship. Eisenhower's military theory was straight forward and aggressive, you keep up constant attack. Monty believed in unbalancing the enemy abut keep your own balance.  Monty in theory was responsible to Ike but in reality looked to Field Marshal Alan Brooke.  Ike had no choice but to put up with Monty.
Hedgerows  11
Ultra radio intercepts showed that the Germans were stretched to the limit. Bradley was working on plan Cobra to break out to the right. Ike's advantage was that he had control of the air.  They wanted to bring special dozer tanks or some commercial bulldozers which they had at the Normandy beach but not enough. Using explosive was slow difficult and not available in the quantities needed .
1944 The German's produced 24,410 tanks The British 24,843 and the Americans 88,410 mainly Sherman's. American were better at recovering damaged tanks and fixing them to return to action, half the damaged tanks saw action maintenance battalions. An army in the field has individual initiate that comes forward and does what it has to. Sherman's used less gasoline that Wehrmacht's tanks and their tracks lasted 2,500 miles as apposed to the enemies 500 miles. German tanks were better designed for hedgerow fighting.
GIs reported that 8 dud shells fell around them and failed to explode. From the Germans they never heard of US shells failing. American equipment was build by free labour while the Germans used slave labour, who sabotaged some of the shells. 1998 the author received a letter from a Jewish slave labourer in the panzerfaust shell factory. He said when they could they added sand to the sulfur. Only German soldiers dealt with the trigger mechanism but when they were on brake the slaves sped up their output and they never inspected the shells made during their brake but this increased the soldiers production.
The early success of the Germans in bringing troops to Normandy was the rain and fog and bad weather.
There were experiments of welding teeth to the front of the Sherman's. Then they took scrap iron from the German roadblocks and constructed a hedge cutting devise that looked like a rhino. They also plugged a radio handset into the tank so that infantrymen could speak to them. Now the 1st and 3 armies were ready to break through.
Breakout and Pursuit 12
German units were made up of people from the same town. The worst thing that could happen to a German soldier was to be thrown in a unit where he knew nobody, as nobody was motivated to look after him. Patton lusted to seized the opportunity to surround the German Army as he saw a clear road. "Victory in the  next war will depend on execution and not plans" said Patton, Monty agreed with  Patton.
Falaise Pocket this trapped 50 thousand German troops that became prisoners, their commander was told to fight to the end. About 15  thousand died Germans . The Battle of Normandy had lasted 75 days and Allies lost 209, 672 casualties and 39,976 killed. It cost  the Germans430,000 men 240,000 killed..  Of 1,500 German  tanks only 67 got out 3,500 artillery and 20,000 vehicles were left behind. 2.6million pounds of beer and 500,000 of German canned beef was left behind and distributed to the troops. The PLUTO pipe line under the ocean to bring gasoline ran from England to Omaha to Chartres. Patton wanted to invade Germany from both the north and south via the Ardennes.
Rhineland battle 17
The Americans banged away confident that more shells would arrive, while the Germans husbanded their shells uncertain of more arriving. US  Troops following tanks through the mud in tracks that were exploding antipersonnel mine. If the tanks skidded of reversed many were killed. There is no such thing as getting used to combat., Psychotic casualties are as inevitable as gunshot or shrapnel wounds.  Soldiers reach the peak of their efficiency after 90 days of combat after that the efficiency began to fall. The Germans knew what they had done as conquerors and occupiers and what they could expect when conquered. At the Siegfried line Germans fired till they were out of ammunition the raised the white flag. The American were through the initial German  defenses.  Patton always said fixed defenses are useless and the only defense is attack. The Germans got very little for  their poured concrete.
The Remagen Bridge was still standing which was reported by an areas photographer and the Allies were able to take it even as the Germans were trying to blow it up. Units in the area now headed for Remagen to get over the Rhine. 
Ike said Patton was a good General and a lucky on, Napoleon preferred luck to greatness.
Overrunning Germany 18
Americans saw the people in the countries they liberated, the French were sullen , slow and ungrateful. The Parisians were cunning and indifferent to whether they were cheating Germans or Americans. The British brave resourceful quaint dull. The liked the Dutch in every way but few GIs met them, only the airborne.  In Germany at first they liked them the best , identified most closely, clean hard working, educated middle class tastes and had flush toilets and soft toiled paper, and seemed just like us.  In Germany everyone goes out and works more ambitious than the English or French.
It is a fact  that British and Americans compared to  conquering armies of the world behaved correctly. The Germens in areas occupied by the American were lucky and they knew it. The German supply system lay in ruins and all the German soldiers wanted was a safe passage to a POW camp. While German armies were trying to surrender  German fanatics were still blowing up bridges on German soil.
General Maxwell Taylor saw Dachau and got the people of Landsberg everyone between ages of 14 to 80 to be rounded up and marched to the camp to bury the bodies and clean up, that evening the crew came along the road and saw how people were still vomiting.  Major Winters wrote - "now I know why I am here."
Montgomery wanted to lead his army into Berlin but both Ike and Bradley were against it. Politically at Yalta Germany had been divided into 3 zones with the Elba River as the boundary, The Red army was there in great strength 1.25 million troops. The Hitler Youth and SS were fanatics ,even after the surrender of the Ruhr and never ran out of ammunition. The German troops had received the code Werewolf and it they had lost the war and  meant that they were supposed to head east. Hitler wanted to hold out till the Western Allies and Soviets went to war.
For the GIs Eisenhower's decision was that he put them first.
1945April the British got into Belsen and Edward R. Murrow went to Buchenwald.
In Laingsburg when the German troops withdrew the citizens hang out white flags the SS then came in and hanged civilians on trees.
1945 May 7th Germany capitulates to the Allies. The George C Marshall said of Eisenhower "you have commanded with outstanding success the most powerful military Force that has ever been assembled.
The Russians would not accept the surrender sighed in Reims and insisted on another sighing in Berlin.
The G.Is
It is not accidental that so many paratroopers of E Company became teachers It is not surprising after seeing so much death and destruction at one time led them to want to do something creative. They became the men who build modern America. They had learned to work together, knew teamwork and the value of individual initiative.  They had also seen the evil of dictatorship. They knew that the way to prevent war was to reject isolationism.
The aim of the war had been to eliminate the Nazi tyranny over the oppressed people of Europe and for security for ourselves in the free world.  In June 1945 Eisenhower said "The success of the occupation can only be told 50 years from now. if the Germans have a stable prosperous democracy."
GIs fought because they had to , what kept them together was unit cohesion. They did more to spread democracy around the world than any other generation. They talked about friendship with buddies , No-one ever talked about patriotism and pride. America had sent the best of her young men around the world. They returned to become successful citizens and good family men. Perhaps we think the biggest price of a war is what might have been. When asked Grandpa "were you a hero" he answered no " but I was in a company of hero's"

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff 2023 272 pg.

    This is a novel that covers about early European settlers in North America. The themes are history, hunger, survival, her education and treatment of women, her being a foundling. Plague and disease, travel on a ship, Religion and Mans domination. 16/3/24 Writer born in 1978

1348 The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic, which reached England.
 1533   Henry VIII  divorced Catharine of Aragon declared himself head of the Church of England, then  Catholic Spain and England were enemies. 
1553 Mary 1 Catholic Bloody Mary
1558 Elizabeth I crowned.
1592 -1593 Plague of London
1583 Humphrey Gilbert got a charter and went to discover the north passage to China and settlement to America but his ship the Delight was lost at sea. Only Raleigh and the Golden Hind returned. 1584 Reached Roanoke Island, N. Carolina.
1587 Over 150 settlers arrived and mostly starved.  Named the English colony Virginia 
1588 Spanish Armada attacks England and is defeated
1603 James 1 became king and wanted peace with Spain.
1606 London company set up to colonize without women, they chose the James river and named the town Jamestown in a place that Spanish ships could not raid. They grew, corn beans, squash and tobacco. Many died from malaria but mostly from famine. Tobacco had become he main export from the colony but would not succeed with out the royal favor. The area was not wanted by the Powhatan tribes as it was not suitable for agriculture and the ship arrived too late in the season to plant. The water was unsuitable for drinking. A third of the settlers died on the ship coming. Many of the men were aristocrats with menservants.
John Smith became governor of Jamestown and the story of Pocahontas occurs here, John Rolfe married her and took her to London. This led to a peace treaty with the Powhatan tribe.
1608 other ships went out now with women. Some settlers were indentured servants.
1611 Authorized King James Bible first printed.
1619 Beginning of American slavery here.
1620 Mayflower arrival in Plymouth
1623 Shakespeare first folio printed

Plague and Disease
In the fort she had watched people die of bilious fluxes, shitty or bloody fluxes , brackish swellings scurvy , venereal lews and yaws different pox, fevers and malaria. A man went crazy from hunger and murdered his pregnant wife and was hung by the thumbs to freeze to death. 
She had small  pox and barely survived it by herself there out in the wild and was left covered with scars. A bear woke of from it hibernation and it cubs wanted to play with her they did not know about the terrible things that humans had done. Even the bear could smell the disease on her.
The summer of the most terrible plague the world had seen, the dogs had been caught and drowned. She had been locked into the room of the sick goldsmith and had to look after him till he died, the servants had fled the sick house for the stables. He had started an unlettered  Scottish lad and almost became elected the mayor twice. Dick Whittington?   1354–1423)There was nobody to do the work and cows died from not being milked and the libraries, homes deteriorated and collapsed and the Eden would overtake the world and the mistake of man would be forgotten.
On the Ship
On the ship she was one of very few to find herself at peace with her stomach as other vomited and lost weight unable to take in food which was worm riddled peas.  At the age of 4 she had been taken to the mistress house from the parish poorhouse she had been a foundling. On the ship she had a friendship with a young Dutch glassblower who had given her an orange. Of all the  names she had he called her Mine Heliefda A storm had battered them  to all the people broken bones, her Dutch friend had been washed overboard vanished. Both nobleman and servants had died in the storm and their bodies were thrown overboard. Other ships of the fleet were missing. They the Blessing but later the saw the Falcon , the Lion and the Unitie, Lost forever the Diamond and Swallow.
She had on a pair of good boots from the son of a gentleman but were her size , the kid had  died of small pox and hunger. Leather gloves stolen from her own mistress. In fleeing she left behind her roof, home, country and language. She was unlettered but pious. So she was not alone as she had god in her heart. She had a stolen pewter cup (popular between 1600 and 1800) She was running northwards.
The horses that had been brought on the ships had all been eaten already in the famine. Hunger caused the most viscous of men to be indolent as there was no food to steal for a few days already. Any abandoned houses had been torn down to burn to warm the gentlefolk She tried to lie with  her charge the child Bess hot with fever to keep warm. Bess had died a slow intentional death.? When they could not get Bess's jaws open to feed her the second husband grabbed her bowl. All the livestock were eaten and even the vermin that crawled amongst the dead. A body that did not die of disease was a body that bore good meat. Bess died and the butchered her to eat.
She discovered a large fish  frozen within the ice which she ate. There was a soldier sent to find her and he had a musket and knives, he was the type that choked a prostitute with his hands and longed to do  it again. He was supposed to bring the girl back and hang her naked.    She went up the river and found a frozen place she could head north. Some Englishmen were prepared to become servile to the natives to survive the starvation?
Hearing footsteps she replaced them in her mind with those of a deer. She found the skeletons of 2 dead deer, their antler entangled so in  their anger they could not separate.
She took shelter in a cave where she envisioned a dragon a strange creature in a strange land.
She found as tired duck sitting on its eggs and killed it and took its eggs and when she roasted it put the fat on her chapped hands. She found a frozen fish in the ice and grilled it on the fire as well a smoked it above the fire and kept it in her bag to eat later. She found good walnuts and a clutch of pigeon eggs that she ate. 
While the ground was frozen she cold move swiftly but with the thaw you get sucked into the mud. 
She took shelter in a hollow tree trunk and ate the wood grubs she found there. She could watch across the river and saw 2 girls playing together and women planting maize in the high fields
She frightened a fish out of the mouth of a crane and found cray fish in the river. She went into the river naked with her knife stabbed 2 fish, she saw her naked body that she had no fat upon her. She set up a platform to smoke the fish. . She knew how to determine north, by a stick marking the shadow direction in the morning and then again later.
A stag had died and one winter she dragged back the body and had food for the season and a skin dress for herself. The natives let her live they knew about her. She did not threaten them. Death touched every place that had been touched by man.
Her Education
The governor had a parchment map and it showed where the French settlements were in the north.  You had the Spanish in the south,  both  French and Spanish were Papist but she knew some French.
When she was small the mistresses son Kit did not torment her but showed her things in books, that educated boys knew. Fairies monsters in the forests she was advised to stay away from soldiers and mercenaries. The education she had was by chance Kit showed her pictures to display his superior education and could count till 999. She had seen bear baiting and the strength of a blind toothless bear. 
The mistress's first husband had been a goldsmith
The French had been amongst the lords and artist, writers that came to the mistresses' house. and had all worn perfume. She had picked up basic French .
She mistress married the minister and he was going to America and wanted her to follow when he had set up there but wanted to go with him as she was scared he would find a younger women. |Nobody asked the narrator if she wanted to go. 
The Natives
The natives Powhatans knew the area well and when men went out  of the fort raiding they returned wounded. Initially amongst the settlers were gentlemen who refused to dirty their hands with work. One of the settler had raped a native woman and they caught him, tied him up in view of the fort and flayed him and cut off his parts while he was alive. This proved the godlessness of the natives. Were these native women empowered? This type of behavior was not limited to here as under Queen Elizabeth  traitors head were hung on pikes on London Bridge. 
They had traded metal goods, linens sugar for heaps of dried corn and fish.
The natives would burn the underbrush in the forest so that they see the game through the trees. Hickory chestnut and hazelnut below the leaf  litter would find ample nuts. some of these trees had been planted. She had known none of the natural world as she was raised in the city. 
Jesuit priest who came out as a missionary, he had been an orphan child in the church and learn to speak Latin, he studied Powhatan on the long journey over and learned it from the  guide. However they had forced their customs on the natives who had burned down the mission killing al the priest except him, he fled and survived in the forest. Later other of his countrymen arrived and destroyed the natives revenge and sailed off. He has lived in a cave and survived without fire in looks like a hairy jungle animal. Humans are not meant to live alone, they need company to survive. He had trained baby crow to be his pets and look out for him. He called himself sanctus ioannes cavae arboris  Saint John of the hollow tree
Purgatory a Papist concept that if you have not been baptized you go there instead of heaven, souls amongst the heathen, animals and slaughtered souls. 
Mans Domination
The Bible says escape to the mountains before you get consumed. In the bible Adam dominated everything.  He let them have dominion over the fish in the sea and fowl in the air and the cattle. God was not singular or triple but multiple in all creatures.  Where you Dominate you give things their names.
The Foundling
At the poorhouse she had been given the name Lamentations to remember that her mother was a whore. The first husband the goldsmith called her many things, girl wench, fool , child and Zed.(last to be counted) Just before she was brought to this rich house their pet monkey named Zed had died. The mistress had taught her to sing and accompany her on the lute to dance coranto la volta. Painter , players and artists visited the house. Z would sleep at the foot of the mattress to keep the mistress feet warm. Later her role was to look after the retarded daughter Bess(named after the Queen).  After the goldsmith dies the whole household to hear the new minister preaching
Kit now returned from university with his student friends and wanted her to be their servant "Wake up you lazy wentch , thou stupid slut , thou nimble mischance thou sooty mammet, why does thou sleep when a man needs thee" After being raped the mistress told her to ask the cook for a kettle of tansy (ragwort) to drink every day for a week.
Bess had golden locks her strength went into her hair and nowhere else.
The mistress was an uninvolved mother and the wet nurse was always drunk and unreliable for nothing but milk.
In Italy people used lead paint called Venetian Ceruse to whiten their skins. Back in London she remembers the milliners shop and its pretty linens, the goldsmith shop , the saddler, the letter writer  next to the church. 
 She carried a staff which was the sigh of a pilgrim on the way to sacred lands to get salvation, A staff was also the sign of an old person. The mistress realized that her daughter Bess mentally had remained in her infancy and she did not like to be near the child so Z had to fulfill this role.  When Z had come from the poorhouse she had been treated like a sister and given sweets. as the mistress could not fall pregnant.
The nail in her boot is like the cilice worn around the leg by some Christians?
She started naming everything she could see thus she could identify them. She watched Indian men with bows and arrows. They shaved their long hair on one side so as not to impede using the bow. Surely their teeth were not blackened by eating sugar as in England. 
She undressed and went underwater and all black oil and lice and fleas came off her.
A wolf caused the stick of her tent to collapse onto the fire and the sudden flame chased the wolf away but nothing was left of her coverlet.
The treatment of  women
When the minister decided to go to America he dragged along his wife and the girl in greed for riches, For what is a girl but a vessel to hold the desires of men.  The master of the house could punish everyone. This minister was also a pedophile?
Review. As the girl goes deeper into the wilderness she moves further from the teachings of the church. The divine exists only in nature. The idea of Manifest Destiny, The situation might have been different if the colonists had been willing to coexist with both native peoples and native landscapes. A girl has the misfortune to have no choice. Like Cormac McCarthy it illustrates a masculine world with no hope for tenderness.



Thursday, March 14, 2024

£ How the English Establishment framed Stephen Ward by Phillip Knightley & Caroline Kennedy 2013 343pages

Corruption of Justice in England.    12/3/24

 Caroline Kennedy had worked alone to gather information about Ward's relationship with M15, who dumped him when his link threatened to become an embarrassment. There was Wards own tape- recorder, interviews with 80 of his friends or enemies and FBI documents. Russian Intelligence, Operation BowTie (Risk Management) , J Edgar Hoover and Attorney General Robert Kennedy also. Lord Goodman described Ward as the historic victim of a historic injustice a "British Dreyfus."
1956 Sexual Offences Act. This Ward story is about the Trial of the Century.  Ward was a guest at many tables at the Thursday Club with Prince Phillip, Baron Nahum, David Mitford Haven artist Feliks Topolski, Lord Boothby. Was at Sarah Churchills wedding.
Ward  was a rational intelligent and persuasive person. Edgecombe's girlfriend Christine  Keeler and her friend Mandy Rice Davis
John Profumo was the British Secretary of State for War  a married man had the making of a future Prime Minister he was having an affair with Christine Keeler.  (Richard Crossman and Barbra Castle were aware of these rumor's) British press were scared to write about this because of the libel laws. However some of this was printed in Europe and the US, Yevgeny Ivanov the assistant naval attaché at eh Soviet Embassy also shared a bed with Christine.
1961 Major Gagarin (cosmonaut) at  the Soviet Embassy in London.  Both Profumo and Ward were invited  there to meet him.
Lucky Gordon a boyfriend  was arrested and accused of assaulting Christine  June 6th he was sentenced to 3 years. Mandy was taken  off and plane and arrested. Ward was arrested and charged for living and earning from prostitution.
Front page of the Daily sketch had a picture of a woman kissing a Ivanov. This was the wife of US embassy Thomas  Watson Murphy. Newsweek wrote the New Pornocracy.
Christine said she would be the another  Lady Hamilton, The Conservatives Party were in their greatest array since the Suez fiasco.
Ward in 1932 in Paris understood that tourists were more interested in the nightspots than the Eiffel Tower. He studied to be an osteopath in Kirksville Missouri. Chicago was far more American than NY and he explored the brothels and prostitutes'. After 5 years he had a medical degree as an osteopath and had cast off his English inhibitions. A girl who promised to marry him when he returned from Missouri probably married someone else. He worked as a medic during the war in India. There he managed to get an interview with Mahatma Gandhi.
Duncan Sandys  wife was Churchills daughter and he was invited to treat Winston and this enhanced his reputation and he got lots of clients. Wards professional and private life began to overlap and his patients became his friends. 
Andrew Ferrier a Fleet St artist and cartoonist and his wife Freda held parties in their home for New Years Eve, Baron Nahum, Maxie Taylor , Theodore Bikel, Burn Ives , Lauren Bacall, Peter Ustinov and Lawrence Harvey with Zsa Zsa Gabor were guests.
In Wards circle he deliberately mixed people from many backgrounds. He said to hell with conventions that set up social barriers that prevented him knowing ordinary people. He liked listening tho women and helped solve their problems he seldom went to bed with them and perhaps he had homosexual tendencies. He was present with  group sex taking place but was the only man who never removed his pants. He was fascinated by prostitutes and occasionally went to bed with one.
1949 Married Patricia Baines but when she understood his sexual views  of independence, 6 weeks after she moved into his flat they divorced and after that he never became emotionally attached to anyone.
Bill Astor became one of his clients, and he took Astor to the exciting of coffee bars , drinking clubs and bottle parties.
The Profumo family were an entrenched in the British establishment, they were English  landed gentry. His father was a barrister a King's Councilor. In 1940 Profumo was one of the Conservative  MPs who led a revolt against  Chamberlin. In the army he rose to Lieutenant and by 1944 he was liaison officer with Field Marshal Alexander.  In Japan he was in the British Liaison commission to Douglas Mc Arthur. 
One example of Wards creativity is he  took Valerie and transformed her into Vicky Martin reconnected her with her grandmother introduced her into Mayfair society and she became a model for photographers Baron Nahum, Antony Beauchamp and Vasco Lazzolo painted her portrait, She died in a car accident aged 23.
On Bill Astor's  estate of Cliveden where he entertained many guests including Ward, Ward saw an unused cottage and got permission to fix it up and use it over weekends, where he was available to give treatments. Philip de Zulueta private secretary to the Prime Minister Harold Mc Millian and Sir Malcolm Sargeant the conductor Tommy Steele would drop in on Ward.  
One party at Cliveden included the Queen and Prince Phillip, Peggy Bancroft , the Rothchild's and Richard Todd's.
Margaret Brown genuinely wanted to marry Ward but he had to drop her as he would not commit to marriage.

1959 Christine Keeler from, Wraysbury realized the power of her sexual attractiveness. She was banned as a baby sitter as she flaunted with the husbands.  At age 16 she gave birth to a premature baby that died soon afterwards the father was an American GI at the nearby base. She got a job at Murrays Club one of 45 dance girls and was a true nymphomaniac and became a leading showgirl. She was living at Wards apartment and then became Peter Rachman's mistress. He was a notorious slum lord. Later she fell out with him and returned to Ward.
Marylin Rice -Davies called Mandy and she was one organized other girls including Christine in managing their finances. Mandy efforts were fruitless with Christine and they shared a flat. Rachman bought Mandy a Jaguar for her 17th birthday with a forged driving license. 
1959 Bill passed that made street prostitution an offence, The Wofrended Report called to decriminalize homosexualism but was defeated in parliament.
1960 Brush and Palette was a diner where pretty girls posed nude for artists to paint. Hugh Leggatt an art dealer suggested that Ward put on an exhibit of portraits.  Amongst the people he did was Paul Getty, PM  Harold Macmillan, Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell, Sophia Loren ,Douglas Fairbanks. This would take Ward from a amateur to a professional. Later Prince Phillip, Princess Margaret.
1960 March, Captain Yevgeny Ivanov assistant naval attaché. arrived in London to be one of 63 members of the Soviet Embassy. He would liven up the restricted lives of the Soviet diplomats.
1960 test case on Lady Chatterley Lover which was unbanned, and Penguin books sold 2 million copies of it in the  next 8 months.
1962 Eichmann  Trial The Daily Telegraph sent Ward to Israel to do drawings for the press rather than photographs.   Then he got the idea sketch Soviet leaders. He got a visa but no appointments, then Coote of Daily Telegraph introduced him to Ivanov. 
Ward tutors Ivanov in bridge and as his English improved they became big pals. Ward took him to English homes where no Soviet diplomat had ever been, and Ward was invited to all Soviet Embassy parties and was at the huge reception to receive Yuri Gagarin. Gagarin was the first Soviet astronaut to get  back from space? He met the Soviet Minister of Culture Madam Furstova and wrote notes on their open conversation and Ivanov had to beg him not to publish that. Ivanov met Christine at Mandy's flat. Everybody at the Russian Embassy was a spy. A defector had revealed that Ivanov was a spy.
Ward had been asked to report to M15 about Ivanov which he did faithfully to a Mr Woods (alias) But information the Soviets wanted passed on was in this way. Ivanov was trying to find out when nuclear missiles would come to Germany.
1961 July 8th at a dinner at Bill Astors mansion  Christine Keeler was swimming and had taken her costume off when  Bill Astor and Jack Profumo went for a  walk. Ivanov and Profumo met at Cliveden. Ivanov visited Christine flat and she said they were in bed together. Profumo showered Christine with gifts and money, he was only interested in her sexually who wanted her to leave Ward and move to a flat he would provide. He could now be blackmailed by the Russians. Ward already knew too much of the Profumo affairs with Christine. Ward was an avid reader of spy novels and now he was in a real life drama.
1961 In the Berlin crises Ivanov through Ward could be an unofficial communication with the Soviet Union to foreign secretary Lord Home.  George Wigg MP was an old soldiers and so was Profumo and so the could trust each other? William Vassall the homosexual Admiralty clerk was convicted of spying for Russia. Hohn Lewis was informed forget about Vassall you want to look at Profumo. Ward had introduced Ivanov to Profumo as well as Lord Mountbatten, Paul Getty, Nubar Gulbeklan and Sir Godfray Nicholson and dined in the House of Commons
1961 Christine met Lucky Gordon then she returned to her old boyfriend Michael Lambton who gave Christine 500 pound and she and Mandy wanted to try their luck in the States, this adventure lasted 2 weeks, but it came to the attention of J. Edgar Hoover.
1962 October the 12 day missile crises. America knew that Khrushchev was bluffing as the Soviets did not have the capacity to attack, nor did Khrushchev have the support of his colleges. the US. The Russian were trying to put a wedge between the UK and America but Lord Home told the Russians they stood by the Anglo American accord.
MP William Shepherd had close link to M15 and that he should know everything about the goings on in Wards flat. I objected to the immoral behaviors of half a dozen minister in Macmillan's government, as well as homosexuality and a minister involved with young boys.
1962Rachman died of a heart attack, Mandie suffered real grief and then discovered that Audrey had only been Married to Rachman for 2 years.
Wards introductions had set Maureen on the road to stardom.
The Russians decided to return Ivanov home and left without even saying good bye.

1963 started with what was known as the Profumo Affair. Ward was getting tired of Christine's coming and going, but the press were becoming interested in her. She gave a letter from Profumo to the Sunday  for 1000pounds, she had slept with him at the same time sleeping with Ivanov. She was approached to cancel the contract about the letter but she wanted compensation for this. Now stories of sex orgies at Cliveden, that Wards was a bad influence on young girls as he picked them up and dropped them. He was a procurer of women for gentlemen in high places.
By now the MI5 felt the Profumo case like that of Ivanov was closed and did not want to be involved.
Edgecombe trial  Edgecombe confronted Gordon with a knife in the Flamenco club on 27 October 1962, and Gordon required 17 stitches in the face.  Edgecombe took a taxi to the Marylebone home of osteopath Ward where Keeler was in hiding along with friend Mandy. When she refused to come out, he fired at least five shots at the front door with a semi-automatic pistol in an unsuccessful attempt to shoot out the lock on the door. He fled from the scene before the police arrived, but was arrested later that evening. Christine was supposed to give evidence but did not arrive at court with Keeler's non-appearance at his trial at the Old Bailey in March 1963 finally giving the British press the excuse it needed to publish the story. Edgecombe had to be acquitted but was convicted of possessing a firearm with the intention to endanger life. Christine on an impulsive moment left for Spain.
2 journalist Foster and Mulholland were jailed for refusing to reveal thier sources to the Vassail Tribune, it was argued that they were right to defy the law.  Richard Crossman and George Wigg from the Labour Party claimed that the Paris Press had by now probably published the whole story, even Barbra Castle now decided that Labour could not neglect the issue. Profumo said my wife and I had an open invitation to visit Ward hinting he was not there alone. But to explain his acquaintances with a 21 year old girl? Christine was portrayed as a sex goddess.
Ivanov a junior naval officer that drove expensive sports cars and wore Savile Row suits was frequently in West End night clubs. Ward could not be charged under the Official Secrets Act. Civil servants wanted to find something to charge Ward on  and convinced Christine that Wards carefree attitude to life was sinister. Ward would be charged on procuring and living on the immoral earnings of taking a sizable amount of prostitutes'. He used girls to gain influence with people in power.
The police started questioning his patients and they began cancelling appointments.  When Lord Astor returned from the US he was thoroughly questioned by Herbert so he asked Ward to vacate his cottage at Cliveden. Mandy refused to cooperate in evidence against Ward but they took away her passport.
Lucky Gordon was charged of assaulting Christine. If he helped with a statement that could help convict Ward the police would drop the charges. At this stage all Fleet Street editors believed the rumours about Profumo were true. Profumo tendered his resignation. The PM Harold Macmillan was fighting for his political life.
News of the world paid 24,000 pounds for Confessions of Christine. Sunday Mirror published Profunos letter to Christine.
1963 June Kim Philby disappeared from Beirut , after being a KGB mole for 30 years reappeared in Moscow, but the full Philby story only appeared in 1967
Macmillan slogan "We've never had it so good" became " We've never had it so often " By John Kennedy visiting British it gave Macmillan a reprieve of 24 hours.
Astor, Wards oldest friend was not going to give evidence on Wards behalf the others would decline.
1963 June at the Old Bailey was to be the Trial of the Century. The judge was the type who personally felt an moral indignation at the lifestyle Ward adopted.
Griffith Jones had been a morally outraged prosecutor at the "Lady Chatterley's Lover" trial.
The trial could have been at a magistrates court by Wards lawyer advised a jury court. The prosecutor painted a picture of Ward as a sexual reprobate, that Ward went for sexual foursomes. There was nothing for the police to lie about when the witnesses were lying.
Christine had lied at the Gordon trial so her evidence at the Ward trial was now suspect and she was sentence to 9 month imprisonment for perjury.  If Ward was convicted the press would be free to print stories that otherwise might be libel.
When Mandy was asked in court about lord Bill Astor's denial that he had sex with her, she replied "he would say that wouldn't he" implying that rich and powerful men are all liars. This caught the nations mood.
3 American friend each sent Ward $1000 but would not be prepared to be questioned by Griffith Jones on the sexual preferences. With the prosecutions last word Ward left the old Bailey with his girlfriend Julie Gulliver and swallowed  enough Nembutal to kill a horse.  All the writers, playwrights  who had stood ball for Ward sent a card to the funeral saying To Stephen Ward Victim of Hypocrisy.
Meanwhile a well dressed man walked into Bloomsbury Art Gallery where Wards drawing were on display and spent £11,517 on every drawing of the Royal Family. This would have left Wards very well off. What started as a national scandal turned into one man wickedness.
The purpose of the Denning report was to end the Profumo affair, it did not succeed. Vickie Barette said "it was all lies, but I never thought he would die" The jury was left with the impression that Wards account that he worked for MI5 was just one of his fantasies.  Mr. Woods could not be called as a witness as this was  just a cover name.  Ward was neither a pimp nor a ponce at worst He procured girls to maintain his social position.
Judge Marshall did not arrive at the Ward trial by rota but was handpicked for the position to find Ward guilty.
Although Macmillan abolished hereditary peerage he made an exception for himself and family. He died in 1989 aged 92.
1966 Mandy  married an Israeli and divorced him in 1977. In Israel she made a career as a night club owner. Her autobiography came out in 1989.  Lord Astor went into depression a few month after Wards death, all his friends deserted him and he died friendless in 1966
2013 Geoffrey Robetson QC examined the document and declared that the crimes Ward was accused of were entirely fabricated by the police under the Macmillan government.

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