Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Great North Road by Lawrence Green 1961 230pg

 East Africa when it was German and British.13/8/19 

This writer wrote about 35 books mostly on travelling around South and Central Africa that are out of print. These books are considered Afrikaner Classics.
He describes Northern Rhodesia and that the natives had copper and Collier killed a Roan Antelope and saw copper ore there in 1902.The start of the copper mines.
In Tanganyika van Lettow's Germans  carried on fighting till 2 days after Armistice Day of WW1 as they had not heard the news and were about to attack Northern Rhodesia.   2 Scots brothers John and Fred Moir set up Mandala (spectacles name the native called the brothers) stores to help the natives after hearing about slavery from Livingstone.
Northern Rhodesia north is the Kalambo Falls which plunge 705 feet from Lake Tanganyika into the Kalambo River. It is not that wide but is taller than Victoria. The Aughrabis fall of the Orange river is also a impressive one. There are traces here of stone age man and both Dr. L Leakey and Dr.  Desmond  have investigated.
N Rhodesia, Lake  Bengweulu has island that were used as a refuge against Arab slavers, these island are actually formed from ant hills. The natives are scared to go in their open dugouts away from the shore. Papyrus roots made into a white flour on this island.
 JH Paterson wrote "The Man Eaters of Tsavo" as well as "With the Zionist at Gallipoli". In building the Mombasa, Nairobi railway 130 Africans or Indians were killed by lions. In Northern Rhodesia in 1909 a single man eater killed 90 natives. A record of a hunter killing 7 lions in one shooting.
Port Mpulungu southern point of Lake Tanganyika in N. Rhodesia and the steamer would arrive every 3 weeks bring goods to the white traders. This lake today is shared by Tanzania, Congo, Ruandi , Burundi.  100 years before Arab dhows would come here. The steamer Good News was brought in parts by missionaries to navigate the lake was destroyed by the Germans in 1915. Later the German ship Gotzen which they had scuttled was salvaged and became the Liemba. In 1961 students from Oxford, Bonn and Sweden were on this steamer in search of new plants and animal species. In 1885 at Karema the Whites Fathers took over freed the slaves, the set up a fortress and a convent for the White Sister they all wore white habits.
The Tobora sovereign was minted from gold there while the Germans army were holding out, to pay the troops and became a collectors item.
In 1891 Germany took possession of German East Africa. Before this Sultan Mkwawa  of the Wahebe tribe was a Black Napoleon and defeated the Arabs then the Masai , he controlled a vast piece of territory till the Germans decided he had to be defeated.
Ujiji was the base that Livingstone stayed at but after the Lake Tanganyika  level dropped Kigoma developed on the lake.  Here the Nile and West African long nosed Crocodile meet. Crocodiles killed hundred of people specially women who came to get water. Very big crocodiles and elephants were recorded in the past but later when scientific recording were done the big ones had disappeared. Eventually they were hunted for their leather and this reduced their numbers vastly.
Lake Tanganyika is land cleave apart in the rift valley and is extremely deep but narrow and 673km long, longest in the world.
The Maji Maji rebellion broke out in 1905 because the Germans treated the population so badly. All the tribes attacked except the Wahehe tribe. The German now used a scorched earth policy and vast area were denuded of population through starvation possibly more than 100 000 died as a result.
1909 Paul Greatz a Germen drove a car across Africa  from Tanganyika and a trip that should have taken 6 weeks took almost a year and cost a fortune , there were no roads and it was crazy.
Sangiro or Andries Pienaar whose family moved to German East Africa in 1907 returned to study in Stellenbosch and wrote "Uitt oerwoud en vlagte" a very important Afrikaans writing.
There are some very bad witch doctors but many know the use of different plants as drugs and some of these were in use and worked long before European medicine arrived.  By 1961 records already showed that the snows on Mt  Kilimanjaro were receding.
The railway from Mombasa to Uganda came to a plain which resulted in Nairobi before it started going up a gradient towards Limuru which would have been more suitable for a capital city so in 1899 Nairobi began. Tea and coffee grew in this area. The city grew very quickly and by 1961 a third of Kenya whites lived there.
The Afrikaners were considered the restless children of Africa and moved after the Boer War into German Tanganyika, being under the Germans was not to their liking, but also the Rhodesia's and Kenya. The town of Thomson Falls had a large enough community that the van Riebeek school had 150 pupils in Afrikaans medium. Many had children who returned to SA and got degrees.WW1 veterans were given land here also.
Uasin Gishu was a remote plateau offered to the Zionist. by the British. Afrikaans trekkers under Jansen van Rensburg after sending scouts there arrived in 1908 with 70 Afrikaans families.
We get an explanation about the Swahili language which means Coast Language and was developed by Arab slavers but it has Portuguese, Amharic and many of the local dialects in it as well as English words.
Gedi is a mysterious lost city about 30 km from Mombasa well developed building with jungle grown into them, an archaeologists delight discovered in 1929 as the local were scared to go near as it was haunted. A stone has the date in Arabic of 1399

1 comment:

  1. I am not south african but I find Lawrence Green to be an excellent writer - nothing complicated but very easy reading
    I enjoyed the "Coast of Treasure " Adventure , Geography and History all rolled into one


The Post Office Girl by Stephen Zweig 265 pg to edit

Written in the 1930 and publish posthumously in 1982 and in English 2008.  There is nothing dated about it.      11/1/25 Zweig born in 1881....