Friday, July 26, 2024

So much life left over by Louis de Bernieres 2018 275pg

This story is about the aftermath of WW1 and the devastating effect it had on both the men and women of Britain. 26/7/24

Also as men died on Flanders field many women never had a chance to get married. Many of those that did marry always saw the dead lover as their true love and it ruined their marriage.
You get the example of Daniel's brother a good student in Latin, Greek  classics and could speak French perfectly and could have taught French and  knew languages of India but ended up an alcoholic in poverty.
Daniel Pitt and Hugh Basset had been fighter  pilots in WW1 they were now living in Taprobane   Ceylon and miss the extreme of the action that brought then alive and could have killed them. He also shot 3 friends who were suffering in a burning plane as well as 2 of the enemy. In Ceylon here were a lot of graves of children who died of Yellow Fever. They now ran a tea plantation and tea factory. Most of the local population were Buddists and Hindus but there were many Catholics who converted under the Portuguese and had Portuguese sir  names but Tamil first names.. Many of them had been low cast Hindus and this was an escape from that. 
2 of Daniels brothers' had died in the Boer War. His mother was French and he spoke French besides the languages of Ceylon. After a daughter, his wife gave birth to a baby with omphalocele that died at birth or did the midwife smother it immediately? Ceylon the mountains are so high that he had to keep adjusting the carburetor regularly. (Over 8000 feet) His wife Rosie had been a nurse in the war and she tried to help the natives when they were sick but they would only come to her after their medicine mans cures failed. She could not persuade them to get inoculated. Many deaths were from childbirth. Daniel was convinced that the British Empire would eventually fall as all empires in history get exhausted and fall. The Empire was starting to turn into the Commonwealth already.
In the Great War Oily Wragge had been a prisoner of the Turks and a slave labourer in Anatolia .They were captured as the reinforcement never arrived in time. He experienced floods , sand flies, stomach cramps and dysentery.  They had a death march along the same road as the Armenians died. He was trying to recover from the trauma.  Mr. Brissel the American Consol who sent prisoners disinfectant and sheep to eat, but died of cholera that he caught from the Benedictine Monks in Bagdad.  Bodies are buried deep to prevent grave thieves and the deeper the slower it rots'    
   1930 Sir Henry Seagrave  a Major in WW1 set the land speed record of 204 mph (320km) He died setting the water speed record on Lake Windemere.
Daniel was content in Ceylon and had a mistress Samahadara whose family accepted the situation. Later she had a kid she named Daniel and Daniel's friend Hugh said he would make sure the kid got an education.  The letter informing Daniel arrived in England at Rosie who read it and burned it, not informing Daniel. His Rosie decided she wanted to take the children back to England to be with her parents. In Ceylon there were British Schools more British than back home. Rose and Daniel separated as a result of him having to change careers, but she would not divorce him for religious reasons.
Christabel (Rosie's sister)and Gaskell are a lesbian couple and Bohemian artists.. Actually Christabel lost her lover in WW1. She entices Daniel, falls pregnant by him twice. Twice they live in France and return with an adopted son, who both look like Daniel. Christabel says she never realized as a kid that one would have to subterfuges, compromises, secrets and liesto be able to live. Felix and Felicity were Christabel's son and daughter by Daniel. The children realized that they looked similar to Daniel's Ester and  Bertie.
The poetry of Rupert Brooke and T.S.Eliot were greatly admired at this time.
Hamilton Mc Cosh, Rosie's father leaves a will supporting his 7 mistresses and each of their children besides his wife and family. This was a  big embarrassment in the family. Mrs. Mc Coshes children thus had half brother and sister that they didn't know.
1930 Mixed swimming of men and women started at the Lido in Hyde park. The German foreign minister convinced France that German militarism was over. Iraq was given independence. Racism was officially outlawed in Britain.
 1900 and 1931Swift Convertible cars were made in Coventry.
Aircraftsman Shaw was Lawrence of Arabia  who was a Brough motorcycles fanatic. These were made in Nottingham between 1919 and 1940.
Lord Mayors show  a stampede of 4 elephants when they saw a fake lion and  30 people were hurt. Later a R101 burned at Beauvias 47 killed including British Air Minister of Labour, Christopher Thomson 5 years later the Hindenburg was destroyed by fire putting the end to airship travel.
Daniel tried marketing motorbikes in Germany and in Berlin where he heard Josephine Baker  and watched the dancer La Jana  and Margo Lion a  Jewish actress from Istanbul who acted in Kurt Weil music and with Marlena Dietrich.
1933There was no money to be made in motorbikes and once Hitler came to power.  He describes that Hitler conscripted half the men and the rest worked with the Unions under government control. His German friends were all taken in by Nazi propaganda.   He left Germay and  helped a Jewish professor and family get to England.
1937 In the Soviets there the show trails and the greatest mass political executions in history. In Spain war with one side killing priests and the other killing intellectuals. Oswald Moseley's Brown shirts were meeting violent resistance and Ramsey Mc Donald died. He had been British Prime Minister till 1935 and was too ill to carry on . The only good thing that happened that year was the Coronation of George VI.
With the war rationing had made it easier to avoid the appearance of poverty. Living in a rural area was also not safe as bombers accidently or purposely was drop bombs early to avoid ack ack.
Fritz  Kreisler was a Viennese born Jew who got to the USA at the age of 12. People though they should not listen to his music as it was German.
S S Aguila (eagle)in 1917 was carrying fruit and passengers  from Lisbon and the Canaries  when German U28 sank it. In 1941 the Aguila another ship with the same company, on it way to Gibraltar was sunk including the 12 WRENS on it. This included Daniels daughter Esther.
RAF Tangmere was an important airforce base near Chichester and  Douglas Bader (he wrote Reach for the Sky) was based here. In 1940 it was hit by a Stuka attack.
Shropshire  Mary Web country she was famous for the novel Gone to Earth and it later became a movie. It inspired Stella Gibbon to write Cold Comfort Farm.
1940 and 1942 Norwich was bombed but cultural sights were the target rather than military targets to bring down British morale. The Colman Mustard factory,  the Caley chocolate factory burned down and the cemetery and synagogue  were destroyed.
Lysander airplane used before WW2

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cecil Rhodes The Flawed Colossus by Brian Roberts £ 1988 319pg

Should Rhode's statue be removed  in South Africa and the UK ? 1/7/2024

Rhodes used his fortune to promote his dream of Pax Britania and to further his quest for personal power. This is a biography not a history of his times. 
Professor Arthurs Keppel -Jones was the leading SA historian at the time and wrote  Rhodes and Rhodesia 1953.
Rhodes was the man winning Africa for Britain and was Prime Minister of one of Britain's richest colonies. He said that the seniority of Anglo-Saxon Race meant that they  had a mission to civilize the world. This crude and arrogant view was written at a time when his knowledge of other races was minimal. He was the personification of all the glories of the British Empire. He believed in the triumph of decent chaps over the loafers. Though back to the glorious days of Disraeli urging the country to greatness. Disraeli pulled a diplomatic coup in the Congress of Vienne In the scramble for African there were Kitchener , Livingstone , Burton . Speke but Rhodes was the most illustrious.
1853 Born in Stortford, Hertfordshire about 30 miles north of London. Except for his time at Oxford Rhodes was never happy in the land of his birth, he was a sickly child and little is known about his formative years. His father was a preacher and his mother had 11 children 9 sons and 2 daughters. Only 2 of the siblings ever married.
Cecil never shook off the influence of his father 's puritanism and later turned his back on the Church and announced his determination early in life never to marry.  People interested him little and girls least of all. The siblings never went into the church but became farmers, soldiers and wanderers.
His older brother Herbert emigrated to South African and grew cotton in Natal, Cecil who had  (diagnosed nowadays as 'arterial septal defect) was sent to join him there for health reasons in 1870
1869 An  83and a half carat diamond known as the Star of Africa found near the Orange river.
1870 South Africa was 2 British colonies of the Cape and Natal  plus the Boer republics The Orange Free State and the Transvaal.. Rhodes was successful by getting American cotton seed. He was always studying his text books. He managed the plantation on his own. Blacks had to work to pay their annual hut tax, he knew how to works with the Zulu workers.
Everyone  was  now diamond mad. There wee 4 dry digging mines. Vooruitzigt was a farm owned by the de Beer brothers and had 2 mines on it. Bulfontein and Dutoitspan each had a mine.
1871 Rhodes came to the New Rush and before long he had 3 claims worth 5000 pounds, he also could assess the value of a  diamond. He did not pin his hopes on a spectacular find. His letters to his parent read like company reports. There were diggers from American , Australia and German speculators.
There are impressions of Rhodes as a nervous exhibitionist. At parties he was the prayer of every wall flower. Charles Rudd also came from England to recuperate from illness had a claim adjoining him and they decided to pool their resources. Together they brought in an ice machine to supply diggers with ice cream and drinks.
John Xavier Merriman was the son of the Archdeacon of Grahamstown and he became a good friend. Leaving Rudd in charge in Kimberley trekked north and bough 3000 acres in the Transvaal. Rudd was a Cambridge man and remained in charge while Rhodes went to Oxford in 1873.Rhodes took 8 years to graduate eventually in 1881. By the time he got this he was a successful mining magnate and budding politician and the degree was superfluous. But it place him amongst the elite. It is no use having big ideas if you don't have cash to carry them out.
In Oxford he was an acentric and had a habit of showing off a handful of diamonds. It was in Oxford he developed his Imperial philosophy. At the time Poetry of Kipling and adventure books trumpeted the glories of imperialism, also John Ruskin. The worthiest of men should found colonies as far and as fast as possible. The more the world was dominated by Anglo Saxon the better it would be for the human race.  1877 he was inducted into the Masonic Order
Secretary of State for colonies Lord Kimberley insisted that the mining camps be given decent names so it was named Kimberley. The ruling by the old diggers restricted the number of claims that diggers could own. In 1876 no more than 10 claims per digger.
1873 saw a disastrous drought followed by 1874 torrential rains. They were the first to set up a pump till the boiler burst. 
There were regular booms and slumps that plagued the diggings till they reached the end of the yellow soil and found hard blue ground that thought was barren. Later it turned out to be better.
Few blacks were allowed to work their own claims and digger were determined to keep blacks out of business.
IBD illicit diamond buying was a problem of stolen diamonds.
Flooding was  a problem and Rhodes  had a monopoly of  the water pumping situation.
When the restriction on how many claims a person could hold it encouraged enterprise and international financiers. Credit became available from banks. The French company was under Jules Yehuda Porges and was the largest diamond concern in the world.
1880 De Beers mining company had capital of 200,000 pounds.1881 became director of Kimberley Tramways company. He and Rudd became directors of the Kimberley Coal Mining Company. The diamond mine was not bottomless but ws deep enough to give substance to his dream.
1877 A bill was passed annexing Kimberley to the Cape. 1880 Sir Bartle Frere announce that the Cape government would administer Griqualand West. Rhodes became the MP for Barkly West till he died. 
1889 Renowned writer Sarah Gertrude Millin ne Liebson grew up Barkly West and her father opened the first shop in town.
1880 Rhodes made a complete takeover of De Beers. The new Governor General was Sir Hercules Robinson.  Jan Hofmeyer was a Moderate Afrikaner and MP from Stellenbosch in the Afrikaner Bond.
Africans were attracted to work on the digging by the desire to buy firearms but Rhodes and  parliament objected to this. Rhodes also wanted Britain to take over Basutoland.
General Charles Gorden visited the Cape to give military advice and was about to set out to Sudan and he wanted Rhodes  to join him but Rhodes refused.
1882 became a member of the Mining commission to improve the diamond  industry  and control traffic in illicit diamonds.  The Diamond Trade Act there was a penalty of 15 years imprisonment or a 1000 pound fine. This was universally unpopular.
Blacks were barred from working and owning claims and were fenced off in compounds with dormitories. This was to simply ensure the servitude of the Africans.
1884 Thomas Scanien offered the post of Treasurer of the Cape to Rhodes. North of the Cape was Bechuanaland and Rhodes wanted to make this a British Colony especially the fertile land on the east of the Transvaal border. Robert Moffat was a trader there and David Livingstone was his son in Law.  2 small Boer Republic Stellaland and Goshen had been established here in 1882. Bechuanaland became a British Protectorate to safeguard it against the Transvaal and the Germans.
1884Bismarck proclaimed a German protectorate over German West African today Namibia.
1885 Sir Charles Warren arrived with 4000 troops and proceeded to Bechuanaland. With Rhodes he me Kruger at fourteen Streams on the Vaal.
Rhodes wanted to unify the Cape , Transvaal, OFS and Natal as a British State. He wanted to amalgamate the different diamond mines and the London Rothschild's sent a Mr. Gansi to investigate. Rhodes had wanted the price of diamonds fixed by a cartel, so as not to flood the market.
1886 Gold is found on the Witwatersrand 30 km south of the Boer Capital Pretoria. JB Robinson borrowed money from Alfred Beit and went to the Witwatersrand.  He made a 2nd and larger fortune. 
Neville Pickering was Rhodes' closest friend  and was dying of weak lungs and Rhodes was distressed, Neville Pickering was engaged to Miss Christian who later married William Solomon who later became a chief justice of SA. A Scotsman Dr. Leander Jameson was a leading doctor on the diamond fields and attended to him.
Sauer was to act as Rhodes agent in the Transvaal and would get 15% in any claims he acquired.
Rhodes, Gordon and Kitchener were all the great sons of the Empire, they were virile men of action and do not fit into the common accepted stereotype. 
Barney Barnato managed to get the prestigious Standard Company. A nephew Woolf Joel was put in charge of the company while Barney left for England .Rhodes had been so busy manipulating de Beers that Barney entrench himself without opposition. Rothschild helped Rhodes get 1 .million pounds  Barney exchanged shares with the French company and paid out 300,000 pounds. In a dingy sparsely furnished Kimberley Cottage the future of the diamond industry as well as that of the African continent was decided. Kimberley had existed 20 years.  In the end Rhodes took over from Barney they together had the majority shares and had no need to consult others  £5,338,650 was the cheque given to Barney  The new amalgamated De Beers Consolidated Mines under Rhodes control.
Charles Rudd now extended his interests and registered  Goldfields of South Africa in London. 1887. Like De Beers it also acted as a political and financial organization.
1986 4000 people rushed to the Transvaal gold fields. The Boers farmers did not take part in the gold rush, they sold their land and moved away. For Paul Kruger the uitlanders were welcome to add to the countries prosperity but not to interfere with the destiny of the Boer Nation. Paul Kruger's government was a threat to the uitlanders but also to Rhodes plans for Southern Africa.
Bechuanaland was firmly in British hands ensuring free access north to Matabeleland the home of the Ndebele.  They were a breakaway from the Zulus under Mzilikazi and set themselves up as a tribe north of the Limpopo in about 1840. He had subdued the placid Shona , Tswana and Borotse  who appeared to accept their vasalage.  In 1870 Lobengula came to power as king of the Ndebele. He had clashed with the Boers and later tried to avoid that. He remained friendly with the missionaries especially the Moffat family. The Portuguese in Mozambique was making inroads on the Moshana territory a vasal of Lobengula. Lobengulu was asked not to sign a treaty with other foreign powers 
1888 a treaty of peace and unity was signed with the great white queen of England and Lobengula by Sir Hercules Robinson, Robert Moffat had acted as interpreter and this became known as  the Moffat Treaty.  Rhodes was using the amalgamated diamond mines to finance his imperial visions.1994.  There were other competing companies trying to get concessions from Lobengula. The king was able to control his impis, but wanted guns in exchange for the treaty
An independent black ruler with a thousand Martini Henry  rifles was a threat to white supremacy. This was at a time he was trying  to woo through alliance Jan Hofmeyr and the Cape Afrikaner Bond. He argued that the tribesmen had little knowledge of a rife and were more dangerous with assegais.   Other traders tried getting concessions and told Lobengulu how Rhodes intended to take over his territories'. Another concession hunter looking for minerals was Alfred Haggard brother of writer Rider Haggard.
Lobengula sent a mission of 2 induanas to London this was encouraged by Lieutenant Maud.
Rhodes tried to get a Royal Charter for the territory north of the Limpopo. He wanted a blessing from the British Government. If not he wanted to buy the property outright, nobody else could compete on this. A letter was sent by Queen Victoria to Lord Knutford. It was worried about the welfare of the conquered races and was bad news for Rhodes.
In UK parliament to get  what he wanted his agreement to pass.  Charles Stewart Parnell the Irish nationalist was given 5000 pound to support him  who had 85 seats in the commons, and a further 5000 pounds to support him the next year.. Many top politician had only the vaguest idea of who Rhodes was. Rhodes outwitted his opponents and got them to his side. He got a charter  signed by Victoria in Oct 1989 to expand the empire on the cheap. No mention was made of Lobengula. The British government was now challenging the Portuguese in Africa by this charter. Rhodes could build roads rails and harbours establish banks and waterworks. The company was obliged to stope slavery and domestic servitude and not sell alcohols to the natives.
Lobenggula had been bamboozled into thinking that Rhodes was seeking mineral rights when the intention was to rob him of his country, all this with stories of bribery and corruption. The charter Rhodes had also had only to do with mining  rights.
Pickering died in1886, he was the only person that Rhodes had was emotionally involved. Ideas are no good without money. Lobengula renounced the Rudd concession and when the rifles arrived did not accept then he stored them at Umvutshwa. Advisers  who had encouraged support for the for the Rudd concession were murdered with their families about 300 tribal people.
The railway and telegraph lines were extended to the Matabeleland border paid for by Rhodes. Rhodes turned to Dr. Jameson as he needed a firmer hand to deal with Lobengulu. Jameson was not a  passive instrument but one quite capable of making his own decisions. He did not expect gold to be found there but wanted Mashonaland.
They now recruited pioneers and were prepared to offer them 3000 acres of farmland and 15 mining claims each.
The new country known as Rhodesia was born. Frank Johnson led the pioneers. In Kimberley there was a slump in diamonds and many young men were available for the pioneers. Years later after Rhodes death he admitted they had an invasion plan, which included capturing the king, this was called off. Fred Selous was hired to find a route to Mashonaland that skirted the Ndebele kraals. Archibald Colquhoun was the first Administrator of the new territory. Fort Salisbury was named after  the British Prime Minister.
In the Cape Parliament the Afrikaner Bond was under Jan Hofmeyer, Rhodes recognized that they held a key to Cape politics. Rhodes aged 37 became Cape Prime Minister. Herbert Baker designed Rhodes house Groot Schuur where only male servant were employed. 
1991 Rhodes paid a triumphal visit to London and stayed and dined at the Queens Balmoral.
Olive Schreiner was a brilliant novelist who had  written "Story of an African farm" in 1883 and did not  like the laws part that made blacks just subjects.
Paul Kruger refused to support a rail and  customs union that Rhodes wanted to set up. In the Boer Republics and Natal voting was restricted to whites but the Cape you had to have property worth 25 pound and earn 50 pound a year to vote.
1894 election Rhodes won two thirds of the seats.
Instead of approaching via Bechuanaland, Rhodes went by ship to Beira in Portuguese East Africa. There was a damning report on Mashonaland mining potential, but Rhodes purpose was spreading British influence.
1884 Belgium had been recognized as the controlling power in the Congo and was about to pounce on the rich province of Katanga.1890 The African Lakes company. thus Nyasaland. In a Anglo -Portuguese treaty of 1890 Britian secured Mashonaland and Matabeleland and Nyasaland were to be British but Barotseland and most of Manicaland to be Portuguese. Later in 1991 Gazaland was placed under Portugal
1897  a treaty with signed with Borotse Chief Lewanika and Borotseland was added to Rhodesia.
Bringing goods from the Cape overland to Rhodesia  cost 45 pound a ton, while shipping goods through the Portuguese territory costs 11pound per ton.
Once it was realized that minerals were not going to yield quick profits there was a need to economize.. The police force of 650 had to be reduced to 150. The Shona depended on the whites to protect them from the Ndebele, who considered them vassals. By 1892 bankers were refusing to honour Chartered Company cheques. Jameson now called for volunteers putting Moshanaland onto a war footing. Jameson insisted on a demarcation between Mashonaland and Matabeleland. There were clashes between Shona from Fort Victoria and Ndebele and now in 1892 Lobegula began to distribute the rifles he had. The whites were armed with Maxims guns and the Ndebele with rifles were ineffective against them.
1893 Major Alan Wilson and 33men of the Shangani Patrol were cut off from their troops and mowed down by the Ndebele. This was called the First Ndebele War a British  Custer's Last Stand.
After Lobegula was defeated Bulawayo was marked out as a European City. Disappointment in the Shona area about gold were repeated in Matabeleland. and John Hays Hammond a highly respected expert toured  Rhodesia and declared it was not a gold area. 
1894 The Glen Grey Act  of the parliament of the Cape Colony, instigated by the government of Prime Minister Cecil John Rhodes, which established a system of individual (rather than communal) land tenure, and created a labour tax to force Xhosa men into employment on commercial farms or in industry. This later  was the blue print for Apartheid.
1891 Majuba Hill here the Boers had defeated the British at Volksrust in Natal and it was considered the Eerste Vryheids Oorlog. The First Anglo-Boer War can at best be called a temporary setback for the British Empire, which would continue to expand for several decades and eventually recover all territory lost in 1881 during the  Anglo-Boer War  (1899–1902) 
1892Swarms of red locust descended on southern Africa leaving the veld bare of crops.
1896 Rinderpest outbreak on the cattle killing them and the Ndebele blamed the white overlords for this leading to bitter resentment. The induanas attacked the outlying forms leading to the death of about 200 whites. This was now a full scale uprising and Britain dispatched 200 troops to there and more to the Cape.
Rhodes was more concerned with the wealth that Rhodesia could produce rather then the inhabitants. He openly advocated the extermination or deportation of the Ndebele population. After an impi of  over 300 Ndebele were killed the rest fled to the Motopos. 
The whites had thought that because they had protected the Mashana from Lobenguluas tyranny that they would show gratitude. They did not anticipate that the Mahona would turn on the whites. Dynamite was used to blast the inaccessible strongholds leading to a slaughter wholesale slaughter. 8
Rhodes decided to change his tactics and became a peacemaker. A blood stained victory would be bad for Rhodes reputation. They discovered the old widow of Mzilakatzi the founder of the Ndebele nation. she as a go between they arranged a meeting and a peace settlement was negotiated. Senior tribesmen were to be employed as salaried officials. Rhodes's attatude was changed and he now took a better concern for the local inhabitants.  This was when Rhodes decided to be buried at World View on the Motopos.
Lord Grey was now installed as Administrator of Rhodesia.
The Cape was the only place that Rhodes acknowledged as home and was enthusiastic about the Cape Dutch Architecture and furniture. Rhodes knew that he was sexually maladjusted. He did not like indecisive  or effeminate men. He always loved young men around him.
1995 Dec. The Jameson Raid was a botched attempt by Dr. Jameson in the employ of Rhodes to overthrow the Kruger Regime in the Transvaal and to bring it under the British. This was known to the Boers who arrested the raiders at the same time so by this commando being out of Rhodesia it resulted in the 1896 Second Matabele War. This resulted in Rhodes relationship with Jan Hofmyre and the Afrikaner bond ending in the Cape Parliament.
There was an enquiry into the Jameson Raid and Rhodes was let of lightly as national honour was concerned in this. 
In an address given in 1879 he assured the crowd he would strive for equal rights for every white man south of the Zambesi. 
1897 The railway line from Mafeking reached Bulawayo.
In his will Rhodes would leave Groot Schuur for the people and to become the residence of future Prime Ministers, but today it is a museum He left money to Oriel Collage Oxford to give 60 scholarships a year to student from the colonies as well as the USA.
Empire Builders are egocentric , ruthless manipulators, have an inability to make friends or adjust tot the environment. On meeting Kaiser Wilhelm , he instructed that 15 German students would get the  scholarship. Since Oxford he had been fascinated by the tyrannical rulers  of ancient Rome.
1897 Sir Alfred Milner became British high Commissioner. He met President Paul Kruger in Bloemfontein. In the Transvaal uitlanders outnumbered the Boers. Kruger's attorney General the young Jan Smuts said Milner was more difficult to negotiate with than Rhodes.
When the Boers attacked Kimberley Rhodes  arranged that the weapons there, from the Jameson Raid to be distributed. Kimberley was besieged for 4 months. Rhodes opened the diamond mines to be shelters. It was claimed that Rhodes alone could arrange a peace agreement with the Boers.
Rhodes was one of the first to own a car in South Africa. He died from heart trouble before his 49th birthday  saying "So little done so much to do" Kipling wrote a special poem for the occasion of his funeral. Within 50 years of his death the Empire was crumbling.
Northern Rhodesia gained independence in in 1963 and became Zambia. Sothern Rhodesia became Zimbabwe in 1980. Nyasaland became independent Malawi in 1964

No.NamePartyAssumed officeLeft office
1Sir John Charles MoltenoIndependent1 December 18725 February 1878
2Sir John Gordon SpriggIndependent6 February 18788 May 1881
3Thomas Charles ScanlenIndependent9 May 188112 May 1884
4Thomas UpingtonIndependent13 May 188424 November 1886
Sir John Gordon Sprigg (2nd time)Independent25 November 188616 July 1890
5Cecil RhodesIndependent17 July 18903 May 1893
Cecil Rhodes (2nd time)Independent4 May 189312 January 1896
Sir John Gordon Sprigg (3rd time)Independent13 January 189613 October 1898
6William Philip SchreinerIndependent13 October 189817 June 1900
Sir John Gordon Sprigg (4th time)Progressive Party18 June 190021 February 1904
7Leander Starr JamesonProgressive Party22 February 19042 February 1908
8John Xavier MerrimanSouth African Party3 February 190831 May 1910

 William Plomer   wrote a biography of Rhodes in 1933 Plomer was a known poet and writer and was also gay.

The World's View. The Story of Southern Rhodesia by Nora S Kane 1954 275pg.
1871 William Sergeant and Paterson planned a trip to the Victoria fall for a pleasure and hunting trip at the same time Sir Bartle Frere wanted them to visit Lobengulo they did this and after wards on their way north wee killed by Matablele. This was the only time Lobengulo had betrayed the white man
1880 Rhodes realized that the area north of the Limpopo river was a place of potential and Britain must get it before the Portuguese or Germans did. He had obtained a concession  from Lobengulo to dig for gold. He received a Royal Charter for the British South African Company. The Pioneers set off from Mafeking. The horses had to be "salted" horse sickness and cattle immunized against lung sickness. Accompanied by 400 police set out for Mashona land and covered 40 miles a day. They went on a path with the  prior permission of the king and the 80 wagons stretched 2 miles.
Mashonaland was peaceful as they hoped for protection of the whites against the Matabele. who were their overlords. The Pioneers set up a number of forts one at Victoria 
Major Frank Johnson set out with a Berthon boat towards Beira on the way they reach the Portuguese settlement of Sarmento were welcomed to stay in a hut. Here there were many Portuguese who had married the natives and integrated into the area. In the hut a candle was knocked over and in sects the hut was alight and the strong wind burned the whole village down. They paid them compensation with the gold coins they had but the bank notes were burned. In Beira they were lucky to meet up with the ship they had arranged . This was the fastest route from Mashonaland.
1880 The Portuguese in London signed a treaty defining the Sabi River as the easterly border of British Influence. thus Gazaland and Manicaland were Portuguese.
1868 the British Empire annexed Basutoland at the request of the King Moshoeshoe and he wanted protection against the Boers.
1977 The British annexation of the Transvaal. Paul Kruger went to London but Lord Canaveron would not agree. Then an incident where a burger's wagon was taken from him to recover taxes, Boers surrounded and this set of the chaos, later 6 British forts were taken over.
 1881 The Battle of Majuba Hill   was the final and decisive battle of the First Boer War that was a resounding victory for the Boers. British were driven off with 287 casualties compared to 7 Boers. By the convention of Pretoria of 5 April the Transvaal regained its independence. The British still used scarlet uniforms here. Only in 1899 did the start using kaki uniforms.
1885 The British annexed Bechuanaland as the Germans had  taken over (Damaaraland and Namaqualand )South West Africa, in 1884.

1891 The Transvaal Boers wanted more land and looked at the good hunting territory north of the Limpopo. Plans for 5000 Boers to march into Banyaland and they would protect the natives from the Matabele. These Boers were prepared to submit to the British authorities with same conditions as those in the Cape Colony. They were granted lot near Chipinga and Melsetter. Afrikaners from the Cape were granted farms at Headlands.

1991 Edward Lippert and his wife Marie Lippert went by ox wagon to tour Matabeleland and she kept a journal in German. few copies of this book remain today and most were burned by the Nazis in Germany. They got a concession from Lobengulo which  it was taken over by Rhodes. Edward Lippet was a German Jewish magnate in the Transvaal and in 1890 bough a farm in Braamfontein and build a Mouse Marienhoff named after his wife. He was pro Boer and had the dynamite concession from Kruger. and also helped them get guns. He set up Sachsewald a forest to supply timber to build Johannesburg. When the Boer war started they returned to Germany.
1891 The Matabele attacked the Moshona who were supposed to be under the protection of the Chartered Company. The Matabele never attacked the whites. A piece of telegraph wire was cut and stolen and the Moshona were forced to pay a fine and paid in cattle stolen from Lobengulo kraal. Lobengulo sent a large force to recover the cattle and punish the Mashona.
1896 A force under Captain Lendy fired  on the retreating Matabele and this was regarded as a declaration of war. Every white volunteered to join the commando fight this war about 900 .men. When this was put down then the remaining Matabele and Mashona found common cause to attack the Europeans. Reinforcement were sent from the Cape via Beira and the Moshaona did not have the cohesion like the Matabele and they withdrew . The were no pitched battles like with the Matabele.
1898 the railway line from Beira to Umtali was completed and to Salisbury in 1899. There was a scarcity of  native labour to build this and indentured Indians were brought.
In Rhodesia there was plentiful hunting in the 1890s framers were leased out of 3000 acres for 5 pounds a year and when farmers could show improvement on the working land were given the deed. Most of the workers on the farms came from the Portuguese territory. The first regular coach system was set up by the Zeederberg Brothers Afrikaners  from the Transvaal.
Prospecting and gold was what brought people at the beginning but this was a disappointment.

Rhodes: Colossus of South Africa 
1870 He arrived in   Durban he was 17. Ill health forced him to join his brother Herbert who was growing cotton in Umkamaas, Natal.  He showed his business acumen by investing in a private railway between Durban Point and landing point. The cotton farm had not paid but he researched the details of the business and left it well organized and paying before he followed Herbert to the Diamond Field. 
1971 Kimberley was the cradle of his success and here he met Dr Jameson and Alfred Beits who were inspired with his ideals. When he trekked by ox wagon  with Herbert to the Gold fields of Northern Transvaal he met Voortrekker Boers and wanted to expand the British Empire from what he saw  inspired him.
1873 He left his diamond interest in the hands of his friend CD Rudd and went to  Oriel Collage Oxford where he took his masters degree which he finally got in 1881. Here he was both a rich man and an undergraduate.
1881 His political career opened up as he became a member of the Cape Parliament of Barkley West.  He allied himself with the  Afrikaner Bond a powerful factor in Cape Parliament.
Here he met General Gordon who was sent to solve the Basutoland question. Basutoland first received the protection of Britain in 1868. In 1871, the territory was annexed to the Cape Colony, but in 1884 it was restored to direct control of the British government. 
The Transvaal Boers were moving into Bechuanaland and set up the independent states of Stellaland and Goshen. Rhodes encouraged the High Commissioner of the Cape Hercules Robinson to bring this area under the British flag as the Germans were occupying Lüderitz 1884.
1884 by the Convention of London the Transvaal borders were fixed and British Bechuanaland became a Crown Colony.
1889 Rhodes set out to join all the diamond mines under a central body called De Beers Diamond Mines in cooperation with Alfred Beit. The other powerful magnet was Barney Barnato who finally sold out.
1886 Gold discovered on the Witwatersrand and Rhodes sent Dr. Hans Sauer to get him options there and consolidated Goldfields was set up.
Rhodes was at odds with Paul Kruger the Transvaal President who represented the Voortrekker Dutch was a Dopper (fundamental Christian) who had trekked away to be independent of the British.
1885 Rhodes with Charles Warren first met Kruger at Fourteen Streams to settle the Transvaal border in this encounter Rhodes won.
1890 Rhodes with Sir Henry Loch met Kruger at Blignauts point on the Vaal tp stop Boers from taking Banyailand across the Limpopo. Kruger wanted to build a railway to Delegoa bay so as to avoid the British but negotiation with the Portuguese took time and the Cape railway line reach the Rand 3 years before that.
This caused a conflict and rates on the Transvaal Railway were raised by Kruger. and his "closing of the drifts" policy.
Joseph Chamberlain the British Colonial secretary threatened this was  a cases belli.
Rhodes established a collage in Cape Town to educate all the white races. This became the University of Cape Town while the Afrikaners established a teaching collage in Stellenbosch.
1902 Rhodes died in at his home in Muizenberg and left the Rhodes scholarship. 
Rhodes's philosophy was that the English speaking peoples were best suited to spread the doctrine of Justice , Liberty and peace to the world.


Year Without Summer written by Hourly History 60 pages

How world  history was changed by a natural event that influenced the weather.    17/7/24

1789-99 The French Revolution The overthrow of the one longest standing monarchies in the world.
1812 The revolution ended with a global war under Napoleon that ended with his disastrous  invasion of Russia.
1814 Napoleon was forced to abdicate and exiled on the island of Elba.
1815 March. Napoleon escaped from Elba and troops sent to arrest him joined him and Louis XVIII fled from Paris.
1815 June Napoleon war free 100 days before the Battle of Waterloo and sent into exile in St. Helena.
Under these circumstances few took note of the natural disaster at the other end of the world. The island of Sumbawa in the Indian Ocean in the Dutch East Indies, today is part of Indonesia, however the 170,000 population  did not speak Malay but a Khmer language like Cambodia. This area produced sappanwood a flowering plant for red dye and sandalwood for fragrance. Mount Gunung Tambora (14,000 feet high) had been dormant for 1000 years.  In 1815 April 5th a cataclysmic explosion was heard in Batavia( present Jakarta) 1,200 kilometers away. This explosion was equivalent to a number of  nuclear bombs. Vast quantities of ash , sulfur, chlorine and fluorine spewed out. The   volcanic ash reduced the amount of sunshine reaching the earth.
From the flows and tsunamis that followed 10,000 of Subbawa population died and 35,000 homes in the surrounding  area were destroyed. Some places had 1.2 meters deep of ash. The first rice harvest on Sumbawa was only in 1820.
 Islands like Lombok and Bali had 30 centimeter of ash and poisoned fields and livestock. and starvation and disease followed. Eastern part of Java and the south of Borneo and Celebes.  Shipping lanes were blocked  by dense rafts of floating pumice. Tambora was more than 10,000 km away and this information was slow to get to Europe.
1883 the Krakatoa eruption was far smaller but got to Europe via telegraph lines. Tambora was the largest volcanic eruption ever recorded. Between 1800 and 1820 a string of eruption contributed to a series of cool summers. 1815 would have long term effects on everyone on earth.
1815 King Louis XVIII was restored to the throne with Napoleon now in St. Helena. At the same time  America  was no longer under threat of British  invasion and saw new prosperity and expansion. Winter came early and the Adriatic coast of Italy saw snow greater than any one could remember. Early 1816 people notices sunspots on the moon which are  produced by magnetic field normally these were not visible to the naked eye. 
In the USA winter was mild 3 C warmer than average. Only in spring 1816 people aware the climate would be far from ordinary.
There is a recognized phenomenon volcanic winter deposits of quantities of  sulfur aerosols and volcanic ash in the outer atmosphere. We have evidence of Mount Tabo, Sumatra  75,000 years ago resulting in a drop of 5C that lasted many years and came close to wiping out human civilization.
Three major eruptions occurred between 1812 and 1814 La Soufriere Caribbean ,Mount Awu , Sangiha island, Indonesia, Mount Mayon Philippines these all deposited some ash in the outer atmosphere. These would have caused cool summers and Europe was aware of colorful sunrises and sunsets. 
1815 April Mount Tambora resulted in a change in global weather patterns. After the long artic night the high pressure no longer held back the extreme northern cold from reaching North America and the cold moved south.
Thomas Jefferson " Early cold has killed the fruits and crops of tobacco and wheat will be poor" 
1816 Was the first year of peace in Europe for more than a decade and after the Napoleonic wars there were large numbers of demobilized soldiers. Many European nations were heavily in debt. Large quantities of grain had been needed to feed large armies and few countries had stockpiles of food left. The wars had led to high food prices. Suddenly the demand by the armies fell. In Britain Corn laws kept out cheaper imported grains. 
With storms , high rainfall and little sunshine, crops failed across Europe. In Britain, France and Germany inundation and floods destroyed large areas of farming. In Ireland the grain and potato crops were destroyed and peat could not be dried to burn to provide heat and cooking. 
1817 These conditions led to lice and  contagious typhoid. Across Europe the death rates were 50%higher than the last year of the Napoleonic Wars. People attempted to flee to North America. About 60,000 left ports in between 1816 and 1817. For the first time Government realized that the responsibility of rule included taking charge of  the welfare of people. Scientist tried to explain the abnormally cold and wet summer, some as the electrical fluid in the earth. Generally they agreed on the earthquakes that had taken place in 1812-13.
1818 Famine and deprivation continued till then.
1883 Krakatoa , it was only after this large eruption that scientists  began to study the connection between large eruptions and climate.
1913 American physicist Willian Jackson Humphreys made a direct connection between Tambora and the Year With out Summer.
1776  American Independence then it took 40 years and America was headed to peace and prosperity. But Britain still hoped to take back control of US territory resulting in the 1812 War. With the British blockading of US trade. 
1814 British burning of Washington City. 1814 December war ended with the treaty of Ghent.
1816 Freezing temperatures moved down from Canada killing fruit tree and frozen ground resulted in corn crops of Vermont and Main failed. Even in June there was  a cold front. farmers used corn to keep cattle alive. Many herds were now slaughtered. In August there was another cold front. People started boiling nettles and weeds to keep alive.
Shortage of food in the US did not lead to diseases as were seen throughout Europe. The US population was only 7 to 8 million as they had vast lands  Europe excluding Russia had 120 Million.
1816 the US Comprised of 18 States on the Eastern Seaboard. President James Monroe came to power and Congress took measures to boost prosperity. The Midwest had been affected less by the bitter cold and this led to a large wave of migration with a population expansion there. There was a  perception of better weather there and the Midwest became the most important agricultural area.
China  Taiwan a tropical area had snow  and in 1815 half the rice crop was destroyed, again in 1816 and even in 1817. Famine resulted in epidemic of disease. The vast amount of food held by the dynasty were insufficient and pirate and bandit groups emerged. The lucrative opium crop and a series of Internal wars the Xinjing wars. Where from this time the dynasty get involved in the muslim Uyghurs.
The Quing Dynasty saw a decline in their power, and China suffered military defeats in the Opium Wars ceding trading rights and territory to Britain , France and US.
India the monsoon cycle was delayed and arrived at the end of summer ,when they arrived caused widespread flooding. Chenai saw freezing temperatures. This resulted in a vast population movement within India. The first time the Cholera pandemic was noted and started in Bengal  and spread to China , Philippines , Japan , Siam, Korea , Tibet and reached Syrian in 1820.
Europe saw the establishment of some form of constitutional monarchies. People began to demand more involvement of government and this led to ordinary people demanding a greater voice.
Lord Byron began work on a masterpieces "Darkness" about the world in catastrophic change   "Seasonless, herbless , treeless, manless , lifeless perhaps even heralding the end of the world. Vampiric started a series if vampire fiction.  Mary married Percy Shelley in 1816 and brought out Frankenstein , the first horror novel. 
 There are 13000 volcanoes around the world. In volcanology the longer the wait the bigger the explosion. Perhaps the reduction in ice cover over volcanoes may lead to increased magma. Modern technology may help us predict an eruption. Panic buying could  exacerbate shortages and deplete reserves.

My 15 Grandmothers by Genie Milgrom: 2012 149pg.

    A journey of my soul from the Spanish Inquisition to the  present.13/10/24 1955 Born in Miramar or El Vedado neighborhoods of Havana, Cu...