Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The electrifying Fall of Rainbow City :Spectacle and the Assassination at the 1901 World's Fair by Margaret Creighton 2016 274pg

Assassination of President McKinley 1901  and US social history of that time  14/4/20

1825 Erie Canal completed .
 1893 The  Chicago White City, World Colombian Exposition was a very successful financially. thus a group from Buffalo got together and raised money for another fair.  They wanted it to create new market with Latin American Republic that had become independent. and did not invite old world countries.
It was called the Pan American Exposition of Rainbow fair because of new eclectic lighting just invented. The Port of Buffalo was the most active shipping centre of the world, with the Erie Canal boom and then the railways. Buffalo was the greatest grain port and it had more asphalt roads of any city.  The  fair  was designed by NY architect John Carrare
The electricity came from hydroelectric and it used Nikola Tesla's invention of alternating current.
1900 July King Umberto1 of Italy assassinator by an Italo American anarchist.
1894 French President Carnot stabbed to death. 
There were about 10000 anarchists mostly urban working class foreigners in the US. Chicago Haymarket bombing 1896. Emma Goldman was a leading anarchist speaker.
Some of the events were put on by 45 different indigenous Indian tribes, Africans, Mexicans Hawaiians Japanese and Filipinos many of these returned home with good impressions of America. US blacks portraying the "plantation days" Frank Bostock an a vast variety of animal acts, including a Tasmanian Devil which is extinct today, Buffalo Bill Cody and Geronimo were personalities acting in shows.
William Jennings Bryan was against the active US imperialism policy.
William McKinley was 58 US president No 25 and had fought in he Battle of Antietam 1862 in the Civil War. It was his decision to go to war against Spain 1879 and take possession of Cuba and Philippines. General Mc Author senior had got the surrender of the rebel leader Emilio Aguialdo in March 1901, One of the reasons the President had a small body guard was that Congress believed this expanded the power of the President.
Samuel Gompers was head of the American Labour Federation. James G Blain was Secretary of State. McKinley was prepared to forgive the old Federates and Booker T Washington supported him despite black views.  Eliyah Root was the Secretary of War.
During a shaking hands line Leon Czolgosz alias Fred Nieman shot into the presidents stomack at point blank and was operated on before the expert surgeon came from NY he appears to be recovering but died, The autopsy showed a bullet had torn his pancreas and causing gangrene. Jim Parker a tall black man grabbed the assassin  and was a hero but authorities quietly wanted this forgotten, this upset many blacks.
Erie County court sentenced Czolgosz  to the electric chair, he did not defend himself and never said a word in the sessions that lasted 9 hours.. The concept of electricity being a great invention and a killer is discussed.
It was a period of independent women including the reporter Nellie Bly and the invention of the women bicycle gave many of them a new independence. Officials were against women driving cars.    Annie Edson Taylor an over 60 year old independent women went over the Niagara falls in a specially designed  barrel and survived to become famous. By the time Taylor died in1921 women had he vote. She was followed   by Amelia Earhart  who died flying aeroplane in 1937.
Jumbo 2 was a famous old elephant and the owner was going to electrocute him as a paid public spectacle.
 1860 Mary Lord had started the Buffalo SPCA to protect mules against bargeman cruelty, so after an outcry people got back their money and Jumbo lived longer. However President Roosevelt provided more elephant stories from his African Safari of 1908.
du Bois and other blacks after this met and formed the Niagara Movement 1905 as they objected to the way Booker T. Washington accommodation policies rather than standing up for equal rights this led to the NAACP for colored right later.
The fair was a financial  loss and Washington helped with only half a million dollars. In 1882 Grover Cleveland was mayor of Buffalo and later became Governor of NY later President.
1904 there was the Louisiana Purchase Centenary Exposition in St Louis Missouri.
1912 There was an attempt on Teddy Roosevelt's life in Wisconsin
Buffalo was one of the major industrial cities of this  period and provided employment for thousands but by the 1920 the Saint Lawrence Seaway was completed to send freighters from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic. In 1965 the steel production was at its greatest but later became part of the rust belt,
 There are lots of other interesting stories in the book

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