Sunday, August 30, 2020

Raquela a woman of Israel by Ruth Gruber 1978 326pg

 A biography of  nurse who lived through Israel's History 24/12/19

1929 Bet Hakerem was attacked in the Arab uprising  from Deir Yassin.  Moses Montefiore from England  and Judah Touro from the USA both contributed to building outside the Old City of Jerusalem
 By 1936 70 000 Jews had come from Germany. Sephardic Jews name children after both living and dead. 50 000 Palestinian Jewish men and women joined the British army.
Erich Mendelson designed Hadassah hospital, Mount Scopus. Henrietta Szold had Hans Beyth directing youth Aliyah which was set up in 1933. Children came from Europe as well as Arab lands where there were Nazi sympathizers.
1860 Szold born in Baltimore, she later became the first lady of Palestine. She worked with Louis Ginzburg till he met a young wife and so she came to Palestine in 1909 and in 1927 became a member of the Zionist executive council. Recha Freier in Berlin started Youth Aliyah.
The Jewish Brigade was in the British Eight Army fighting under General Mark Clark in Italy. Ted Lurie was the Palestine Post correspondent.. Whitehall feared that the demobilized Jewish soldiers would use their skill to help Jews to reach Palestine.
1878 Petach Tikva started by Jerusalem Jews  for farming. James Tegart planned the forts for the British. From Kibbutz Yagur was used to free the Atlit refugees
1945 July Labour Party came to power in Britain, They kept the White Paper.
         Sept Bevin announced the Anglo American Committee. 1947 Feb 15th Bevin announced that Palestine was being turned over to the UN. After American colonies and Ireland, Palestine was Britain's biggest failure.
Haim Yassky director of Hadassah Medical organization killed in the attack on the bus. The Black and Tan policemen who had once suppressed the Irish were sent to Palestine. After the war a pogrom occurred in Kielce Poland.
The King David Hotel - Sir John Shaw refused to accept the telephone warning to evacuate because of a bomb.
Raquel Prywes trained to be a nurse during the WW2 period,. Raquela  worked as a midwife in Atlit and later in Cypress
YMCA building was build by Americans and UNSCOP met there in April1947. Ein Hashofet named for Louis Brandeis.
There were 2 ships that carried a total of 15 000 refugees and Ben Gurion agreed that they would go to Cypress so that the British did not have to use violence to transfer them. Because of a danger of typhus in the camps, Golda went to Cypress and managed to convince the British to let mothers with babies under a year to get out she met Sir Godfrey Collins who was in charge. 25000 babies had been born on Cypress.
1948 Feb Palestine Post building blown up by Arabs.
When Israel declared independence women and children were allowed to move to Israel but Bevin would not let men of fighting age leave there for another 7 months till Britain finally recognized Dec 1948.
When the Jews started winning and going on the offensive the security council called for a 4 week ceasefire. But they also kept control of the amount of food coming into Jerusalem.
1949 July last peace agreement with Syrian sighed under Dr Ralph Bunch 20 month after the war began and 6 thousand Israelis dead.
Carp was an important part of the diet in the early days. Development towns didn't succeed as there was no work there.
In the 1956 Egyptians were captured with Arabic copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf.
1961 June Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem opened. 1958 Eisenhower had to send troops to save Lebanon from Nasser trouble making. Britain had permission to fly in troops over Israel to save Jordan from Nasser's subversive acts.
Golda had a daughter on kibbutz Rivivim who miscarried and almost died.
Raquela's son in law was Gideon Weiler who died in action his father was Progressive Rabbi Moses Cyrus Weiler of SA.
Yosef Tekoah was Israel's rep at UN and became President of Ben Gurion University in the Negev.

Comment from Jules Miller
Erich Mendelson the architect who designed the Hadassah hospital also designed the Shoken Department stores for the Shoken family in Germany who are the founders & owners of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel .  these buildings were highly acclaimed architecture before WW2 .    

The YMCA building in Jerusalem was designed by  Auther Looms Harmon the same architect the designed the Empire State Building in New York .

Rabbi Weiler actually lost both his sons on the same day at the start of the Yom Kippur war , one on the Golan Heights & one in Sinai.

 An Additional interesting bit of information is that when the Irgun blew up the Acre prison in 1947 allowing over 350 prisoners to escape , they had previously acquired plans of the prison from the British Architect who was a close friend of one of the leaders of the Irgun .

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