Friday, December 4, 2020

To the moon on a Plastic Bottle The story Behind Israel's Start-Up Babies. by Dan Raviv and Limor Bar-El 2020 188 reading pages..

What in  Israeli society causes entrepreneurship and creativity 15/11/2020

How did 60 000 Jews succeed in beating all those Arab armies in 1948?  The answer is that in 1925 the Hebrew University was established  and the Weitzman Institute in 1934.
Landing on the moon was never a  national strategic goal of the State of Israel
1959 Russian Luna Probe 
1969 America with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon landing.
2003 Ilan Ramon died on  the  Colombia , but this had led to Israel's interest in Space exploration and the Ramon Fund was set  up.
2013 China's Chang3 landed on the moon and 2019 Change 4 on the Dark side of the moon.
Google offered a competition in 2007 with a prize of $20 million .You  had to send a vehicle that could  be able to travel around.Their idea for this was that it would do small hops in the lunar atmosphere. Yonatan Weintraub, Kfir Damari, and Yariv Bash promoted -
Bareshit  (The beginning )was financed by money from the Adelsons $23.9 million and others.  IAI has the patents gained from  this. 
1994 Doron Landau set up the IDC as a private university in Herzliya.
2003 Columbia exploded over Texas killing Ilan Ramon the Israeli astronaut.
Entrepreneurship is part of a national culture, by people who take nothing for granted and argue constantly. Lack inhibitions and know how to fall down and get up.
Dangerous behaviour of adolescence, is a desire to experience new exciting sensations, in modes of dress, behaviour drugs. This behaviour is directed and not impulsive. Then they go into the IDF as  Israel is under constant existential threats. 7 of 16 world chess champions are of Jewish descent.
Immigrants children are very successful and innovation is part of Russian Jewry
2018 PepsiCola bought Sodastream for $3.2 billion
Israel has 63 companies quoted on the NASDAQ
There is a connection between faith and innovative daring. פחד  fear spelled backwards   דחף  means motivation.
1993 Checkpoint was founded and has a market value of $17 billion today.
1988 BRM founded by Nir and Eli Barkat and Nir  became a MK in 2019.
Failure is part of success. Max Levchin's fifth company was PayPal, after 3 failures.
1999 Naftaly Bennet and 3 partners started Cyota after 3 business failures. He later became a Minister in Government.  People who have experienced failure are the best people for the next innovation.  If you never failed you never tried.
Israel is the 11th happiest on the National happiness index of 150 countries.  In Israel even a child feels comfortable addressing a high ranking government official.  Many companies call workers to bring friends into jobs avoiding headhunting fees, making teamwork.
In the US everyone is polite and nobody argues, the opposite of innovation. Debate  is a way of life. The thumb up or down comes from Tulmuding debating or passing a resolution or -like or dislike.
The best time to teach children is when they ask a question.
Unit 8200 in the army cyber protection unit was named after the postal address code. 
2000Aviv Kochavi commented that the members of the General Staff all have the same opinions and use the same language and metaphors and found this scary, raising doubt about everything,  perhaps the opposite is true. Kachavi became the 22nd e Chief of Staff in 2019
Chaos feed creativity messines was Albert Einstein's trademark.  The Israeli "balagan"   You try to bring order and control life and deny the fact that it is fundamentally unpredictable. In 1928 Alexander Flemming though being messy discovered penicillin.  One has to learn to live in systemic chaos which facilitates creative thinking. High tech prefers people who have kept changing jobs.
Chutzpah - daring, audaciousness is necessary and most Israelis defy accepted norms, or refuse to bow to authority to people with knowledge. The very existence of building the State of Israel was an act of chutzpah.  The Jewish religious aspect that encourages creativity.
Israelis are always late , dress casual for almost every event and can make even the first conversation personal.  Israeli Startups have to be directed to abroad and not the local market like say France does.
2016 Tel Aviv rated the 6th best city in the world for young entrepreneurs
1996 ICQ was developed by 3 Israelis
2019 Eurovision in Israel, rockets came from Gaza but were stopped by the Iron Dome defense system.
Many retired senior army officers have been appointed as school principals, they are educators despite having no formal qualification at that. It is hard to come from the education system and grow creativity.
Under the Soviet Authorities Jews were not allowed to study physics, so some studied maths instead.
2018 , 11 years after the Google Moon competition was announced they declared it was over with no winner, but 5 teams were still in it.  In Israel the Bareshit had an Appollo effect where youths raced to study science
2019 Feb.Bareshit was launced on a rocket from Cape Canaveral. A lunar day is 2 weeks of light and 2 of night. The temp can reach plus 13C or minus 170C  The craters are from meteorites crashing into the moon, the earth's atmosphere protects us from most small meteorites.  Only 7 countries have managed to encircle the moon many  have missed and their satellite goes off to the sun.   Israel was given a $ million of the Lunar X prize as a consolation.
We did what others never dared; we got to the moon and landed but in pieces. Honor the thinkers, darers, doers .don't stop dreaming.
There are 8400 high tech companies in Israel 2300 Israeli   start ups have global activity.
2017 till then 202 Jews or 22.5% of Nobel prizes have gone to Jews of 892 prizes given.



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