Friday, December 17, 2021

Geocoma Meyerbeer: The deliberately forgotten Composer by David Faiman 2020 215pg 1/8/21

 How anti-semitism influences our music taste?

(1791–1864). The archetypal composer of French grand opera. Meyerbeer's huge extravaganzas such as Les Hugeunots and Le Propheta were immensely popular in their day. All the great opera singers sang in his opera's at the time when he was a great celebrity. 1678 Antonia Vivaldi's works were never known until the Four Seasons was played in the 20C and then his other compositions which might only have been known in Venice were discovered. Meyerbeer was well known till WW1 and extremely famous till his memory was deliberately erased while Vivaldi was accidently forgotten. Meyerbeer died in Paris and a special train and pomp with royalty took him back to the Prussian capital Berlin for burial. Frederick William II King of Prussia 1786- 1798 liberalized the country to develop the economy and allowed Jews rights. Meyerbeer was educated in Hebrew studies by a Haskala supporting private tutor, and he remained a Jew all his life. 1814-1815 His first opera launch in Vienne was badly timed as Beethoven Fidelio had just had its premier. He spent 9 years in Italy and there took on the name Geocoma from Rossini. He was commissioned to write 2 operas for La Scala 1820. 1923 Rossini invited him to Paris, Where the put on Italian Opera. his music influence Belzan and Alexander Duma pere used some of his ideas in the Count of Monty Cristo. In France he produced operas in French. Robert and Clara Schumann were such anti-Semites and spoke against him while Franze Liszt who wrote piano compositions based on Meyerbeer’s grand operas and went out of his way to defend his honor. Mendelsohn exhibited many examples of anti-Semitism embarrassed of having a Jewish grandfather. Richard Wagner was such a prominent musician and an anti-Semite that critics wouldn't contradict him of what he said about Meyerbeer’s music, he knew how to use antisemitism of others to promote his aims and music. Meyerbeer's got the reputation of music in bad taste.

1895 Palestine a small orchestra was set up in Rishon le Tzion that played music by Halevy Meyerbeer Mendelsohn Mozart Wagner etc. A concert was also give in 1914 to celebrate 50 years since Meyerbeer death.
1910 Shulamit Ruppin founded an orchestra 1923 Mordechai Golinkin and opera conductor from St. Petersburg arrived to set up a Hebrew Temple of art. Before leaving Russia he and Feodor Chaliapin had given a benefit concert to be able to found an opera company in Jerusalem and operas were played at the Jaffa Eden cinema. Operas were translated into Hebrew including Anton Rubinstein’s Die Maccabaer and Meyerbeer's Les Huguenots(Hebrew by Aharon Ashman) A total of 17 different operas were played till the company went bankrupt in 1927. It got no government subsidy. Both Herbert Samuel and Alfred Mond gave good reviews others criticized the bad Hebrew. 1947 An American Edis de Philippe founded the Israel National Opera. Placido Domingo who sang in it said that they did not do Meyerbeer and in it was never do in it 31 years. Edis de Phillipe died in 1979 and the opera company soon after. 1985 New Opera Company came into being. Between Jan Peerce 1950 and until Parvarotti in 1992 Meyerbeer was not played Toscanini conducted Wagner at the opening of the IPO before he became associated with Hitler’s Nazism. Mahler’s symphonies were largely neglected till Leonard Bernstein brought them to New York now they are listened to as much as Beethoven. Max Bruch was not Jewish but the Nazi treated his works with suspicion. Both Rossini and Verdi had great praise for Meyerbeer's work.

Note the book has a lot of information on the actual operas and when they were played but I see music as part of history not the, history of music.


Who by fire Leonard Cohen in the Sinai by Matti Friedman 2022  Free Sample 23/7/23

Leonard Cohen arrived in Israel in October 1973 at the Sinai front soon after playing to half a million people at the Isle of Wight festival which was bigger than Woodstock. He was 39years old. Events inspire artist like Guernica inspired Picasso in the Spanish Civil War and the 5th Symphony was composed by Beethoven during the Napoleonic wars.

Israel judgement was clouded by the 6 Day War victory of 1967 and allowed itself to sink into arrogance and complacency. After suffering 2600 fatalities the soldiers managed to turn the war around. After the war Israel was in many ways a different country. Cohen language was formed out of the Hebrew Bible as a child growing up in a Montreal synagogue the grandson of a learned Rabbi. He called Israel his "myth " home.

1973 When he came for the Yom Kippur War .Each concert was a pure artistic transmission, no money changed hands or tickets sold. Most of the soldiers didn't speak English but poetry when, good can communicate before it is understood. and unlike Woodstock everyone was sober. Many asked "Where are your parents from?" would say they escaped from the Holocaust. Israelis of this first generation are not a minority, not religious not exactly Jews but creatures sprung form sunlight and salt water. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Frozen Hell: The Russo- Finnish War of 1939-40 by William R. Trotter 2000 270pg

 The Winter War 9/8/21

Between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladogo lies the Karelian Isthmus.

1703 May Peter the Great selected the swampy, bug infested Delta to build a new Capital St. Petersburg.

More than 100,000 died during the 10 years to build this city and now a quarter million Russians and 25,000 Fins died because Leningrad was so close to the Finish border.

1809 Finland was under Swedish suzerainty  till then. Military service was a favorite rout of young Finns in the Tsarist army. Finland as a part of the Russian Empire 1809–1917. Nicholas II in 1894  appointed Bobikov as Governor of Finland and after that Finns could be conscripted unwillingly. 

Sibelius’s Finlandia roused nationalist fever and in 1904 Bobikov was assassinated on the steps of the Senate in Helsinki.

1915-1916 Finns got professional military training in Germany.

1917 Finish parliament assumed responsibility for their affairs and Lenin who lacked troops recognized Finnish neutrality. With German help the Reds in Finland surrendered  and the 1920 treaty of Tartu a state of peace was formally recognized between the USSR and Finland. 

The White Finnish Government had allowed both Russian Whites and the British Navy to attack Bolshevik on the Finnish coast.  In the Petsamo region the Finns gave the British Empire consortium a nickel mining concession.  Both the Soviets and Germany supported Scandinavian neutrality

1931 Finland’s various Communist parties were outlawed, and by 1932 Finland’s flirtation with fascism was over.

The Finns felt Stalin's demands were a start for further appeasement.  General Mannenheim tried to make the politician see the truth. Stalin wanted land as a buffer zone. Such a concession would surrender the Mannerheim line making Finland more vulnerable to attack.  Leningrad was the cultural heart of the communist state and revolution as well as a major industrial center.

1939 Nov 26 First shots fired.

Gustav Mannenheim was a Swedish aristocrat in Finland and went to the Finnish corp of Cadets, but was expelled from the corps for AWOL so he crossed the border to the Tsars Cavalry School and became a lieutenant in 1889. He fought in the Russo- Japanese war. Later was sent on a 9000 expedition to collect information on the topography of the southern border and in that time he went to Lhasa and met the Dalia Lama.

He fought in WW1 and hurt his leg and was in Odessa to recovery while the unit he was in was wiped out.

He returned to Finland when the Bolsheviks took over in Russia. He was “The Bloody Baron" against Red supporters  in Finland  80,thousand  were rounded up and put in a concentration camp. 10 thousand died in 6 months and 8 thousand were executed by firing squad as part of the White Terror. His defeat of the Bolsheviks got him an Iron Cross from Kaiser Wilhelm II.

1920 he set up the Mannenheim Child Welfare and became chairman of Finnish Red Cross. 

1931 became chairman of the Finnish Defense council and in 1939 when he said they should give in to Stalin’s demands was asked to retire but the war started before he stepped down and appointed commander in chief.

He was born Swedish speaking was fluent in Russian and French, could converse in English , Polish, German but only started learning Finnish at the age of 50.

The Finnish campaign was an embarrassment to the Russian officer class and 50 years later there is very little of it written in Russian print. Russia planned to solve the war in 12 days; she had the equipment to have her own version of a blitzkrieg. In the Red army using individual innicitive could lead to going to a gulag, and fighting was overseen by inexperienced party ideologues. Into some of the densest forest without accurate maps with heavy useless amour and their tanks were not painted to suit the environment. Merekovs troops had to clear out the Finns in 2 weeks before the subarctic winter could ruin the timetable

The Finns were made up of troops from local areas similar to what they knew from childhood. 

Mannenheim set ups his headquarters in Mikkeli (St.Michael) from where he had run the war against the Reds.

The Finns had a defense Navy of 13 thousand men but Turku harbor was icebound at this time.

O W Kuusman was to be Stalin puppet government to be head of Finland and he signed a treaty giving Stalin every concession he asked for.

Tanks attacked without infantry and got stuck on the defense rocks, and brave Finns could attack bombs to the soft underbellies or attack them with. The Finns supply of guns and weapons were limited and they had to use all sparingly. Thousands of civilians of the Karelian isthmus had to be evacuated and their homes destroyed so as not to provide the enemy with shelters. Buoyance charges were set to blow up the ice below the tanks, which began to avoid the lakes which is what the Finns wanted. The Finns laid large stretches of cellophane on the lakes so they looked unfrozen. From the border to the Mannenheim line was 12 to 30 km with troops and obstacles set up. 


4 days before Christmas was Stalin birthday he was not happy. Long slow trains, windows covered were arriving in Leningrad full of maimed, starving, frostbitten Red Army troops. They swamped the hospitals and the schools were used for the overflow. Voroshilov said "you are the one to blame you killed the best Generals. 3 quarters of the experienced professional leadership had been purged.

Samyon Timoshenko with Georgi Zhukov his chief of staff were appointed to take over. 2,600 medals were awarded to the earlier troops. New tanks were brought in including 43 tons tanks with 76mm guns. Tanks were no allowed to outrun the infantry and massing artillery to fire on concrete blockhouses.  Russian forces could be rotated when fatigued the Finns could not.  The Russians broke through with heavy fighting on 16 Feb 1940

The Finns were hoping to hold out till the spring thaw turning the advance area into quagmire giving them a greater negating position.


There were 8 thousand Swedish volunteers and 800 Norwegians and Danes. From fascist Hungary a battalion came. 350 Finnish Americans arrived via a Norwegian port. Sweden wanted to help but her neutrality was very precarious. Fascist Italy gave a lot of moral support

In NY Mayor le Guardia held a "Help Finland" rally. Both Stokowski and Toscanini conducted benefit concerts all of Sibelius music. 


From refusing to meet Stalin’s demands Finland paid a high price, they lost the Karelian Isthmus and the Rybachi peninsula. The 105 day war, 24,923 Finns killed and 43557 wounded.  420,000 Finns lost their homes. The entire population at this time was under 4 million.

5000 Russain POW were repatriated and sent to a Gulag by the White Sea, many interrogated and then shot. Russia lost perhaps 270 thousand men and 300 thousand were wounded. The Soviets reviewed the role of political commissars and reduced their authority in battle.

In the Continuation War Finland fought on the side of the Nazis. Thinking that Germany would be the winner and they could regain their lost land. Mannenheim only allowed them to advance to the old border.  Both the Germans and the American believed that Russia would collapse under the Germans in about 90 days, having seen the example of the Red Army ciaos.

1944 Mannenheim Became President of Finland. He died in 1951

Marshal Timoshenko later showed Khrushchev they had detailed maps of the Mannenheim line made before the war by the intelligence dept. but nobody bothered to ask for them. 

 This book is full of details of every battle  fought which I moved over to try understand the historical significance.


Unfinished Business - The Jews of Finland   article Haaretz October 8th 2010
Finland was a Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire and Jew after 25 years of Russian military service, married and raised their children there
In the Finish Civil War 1918 the Red Guards were defeated. Here the German Imperial Army was involved and defeated the Reds in Helsinki before the main Finish White forces reached there, this was 1) the Civil War. Jews were granted civil equality in 1917and a law of religious freedom came in 1922.
In the 2) Winter War 15 Jews were killed fighting and 1000 civilians died in the bombarded towns.  Hitler saw the contribution of the Finns in the 3) Continuation War as part of Operation Barbarossa.  Between 1941 and 1944 8 Jews died on the battlefield.
After an Armistice with the Soviet in Sept1944 in the north of the country they fought against the Germans  and this is called) the Lapland War.  In total 300 Jews took part in all the wars.
1948, 28 Finnish Jews volunteered to fight in the Israeli army machal and most returned to Finland afterwards. Today in Finland the Jewish community is about 1000 souls. 
400 thousand Finnish- Karelians had to flee when the area was occupied by Russia that is about 10% of the population.
During the war Finland handed over 2000 Russian POWs to the Germans about 60 Jews amongst them.  Had Germany won the war the Finnish Jews would have ended up like other European Jewry.
Many Helsinki Jews were Swedish speaking. There were never Jewish workers in Finland and never radical left of anti- Zionist Jews like in Poland.

1971 Max Jacobson was Finland Ambassador to the UN.  In 1939 his father Jonas Jakobson invited Jabotinsky who visited  Finland.



Thursday, August 5, 2021

Odessa: Genius and death in a City of Dreams by Charles King 2011 282pg

 A very different Russian City  5/8/21

The history of Russia is of people moving away from the control of the regime, but as they moved the regime court up with them and eventually got to Alaska. Odessa was in New Russia and had a long free period before the Tzarist law clamped down on it.

1876 Mark Twain saw Odessa and considered that it could be a US well run city with a multinational population. Only a few years later there was horrific anti-Semitic violence at that time a third of the population was Jewish. This ended up with the holocaust with the planned killing by the help of Nazi ally Romania.

Languages spoken Yiddish, Greek, and Italian were the core with a Russian veneer over it.

1794 it was founded and nurtured intellectuals and artists like Alexander Pushkin, Isaac Babel. 

The Dnieper, Bug and Danube river run into the Black Sea, and the origin population were Greco Scythian tribes.  Italian towns and cities flourished built on Greek foundations and there were Tartars, Circassians, Georgians and other peoples, with  sailors from Genoa and Florentine financiers and adventurers like Marco Polo passed through.

The Tartars were the remnants of Genghis Kahn’s empire.

Before it became Odessa it was Khadjibey and parts were ceded to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

1453 The Ottomans marched into Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire melted away and they also took the Balkans. Khadjibey citizens didn't know that they were Ottoman subjects.

1690 Peter the Great tried to get the area for Russia without success.

1768 to 1774 Catherine the great in a series of wars took the area and massive ship building program was started.

Under George III of England 13 colonies were lost while Catherine was colonizing the Black Sea.

Potemkin engineered the coup and Catherine deposed her husband the ineffective Tsar Peter III. Potemkin established Black Sea arsenals along the coast and Sebastopol which remains the seat of the Black Sea port. Germans, Albanians and Greeks were given privileges to establish trading ports like Kerson and Nikolayev.

1787 the Ottomans wanted the return of Crimea. The Russians hastily pressed and army including Jewish lancer.

In the Russian navy John Paul Jones the American hero volunteered but never spoke a foreign language and was not very effective he ended up in Paris inpecuniary.  Jose Ribas an Italian noble from Naples that was under the bourbons dynasty, also fought for Russia and became an admiral in their navy, he translated for Jones and is mentioned in a Lord Byron poem.

1795 the town called Khadjibey is named Odessa after Odysseus, the main road De'ribas'ovskaya name after Ribas. Founded 3 years after Washington, DC. As an organized city, with a theater and public schools. He became the Mayor of Odessa . 1801Tsar Paul who was unpopular died in a palace coup and regicide he was followed by Nicholas 1 who wanted to drag Russia into modernity. The Napoleonic wars resulted in a demand for all Black Sea grains.

Armand duc de Richelieu the grandson of Cardinal Richelieu who had been Louis XIII chief minister fled the revolution eastwards and 1803 named administrator of Odessa by the Tsar.

1812 large scale plague cholera, whereas in the Rhineland Jews were blamed for the infectious outbreaks, egalitarian Odessa took steps to deal with this.  Italian was the lingua franca and street signs were put up in Russian and Italian a tradition that lasted long after Richelieu who retired in 1814.

1823 Mikhail Vorontsov as a child went to London as his father was the Russian ambassador there bought up estates near Odessa and was appointed Governor of New Russia.

1814 Greek patriots set up Philika Hetairia to rally for Greek independence from the Ottomans. Dozens of secret societies could operate in Odessa freely.

1821 Moldova and Wallachia sparked a Christian uprising against the Ottomans in Balkans wars.

1827 Russia joined in a destroyed the Ottoman - German fleet in the Battle of Navarino.

1840s by this time the city had over 100 schools and private schools and 5000 students, founded by Greek , German , Jewish and Armenian communities.

1854 Crimean War Britain and France against Russia.

Odessa was a magnet for Jews from other parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. Till the Nazi's it never had a Jewish Ghetto or distinct Jewish quarter but wealth rather than religion and ethnicity determined your neighborhood. By the 1860 there were 17000 Jews about a quarter of the population.  90% of the grain traders were Jewish. From the Pale, Jewish migration to other parts of the Russian Empire was prohibited. This Yiddish speaking community had no great Rabbis, learned scholars or mythical preachers.

 Mendel Mocher-Sforim1836 to 1917, born in Minsk and got to Odessa in 1881 part of the Haskalah. Because of the Russian Government lax enforcement on residency restrictions also resulted in Jewish enlightenment here not the Judaism of the Pale. Maskilim made their way to Odessa especially from Brody, Galicia. 

1772 Galicia became part of Austria and Brody was a free city except from many taxes and in Odessa they established private schools that taught also Russian math’s, geography bookkeeping. The maskilim took control Jewish affairs and their shul brought about new cantorial lithergies.

Between 1790 and 1830 there were 5 separate outbreaks of plague.

1847 France Liszt gave a series of piano recitals and Nikolai Gogol had a premier of his new play "The Inspector General" in Odessa.

1908 Ilya Mechnikov at was a university of Odessa and he later shared with Paul Erlich the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.

1860 Ratzvet The first Russian- Jewish periodical in the whole Empire.

1880 2/3 of registered merchant and traders were Jewish, 3/4 of public houses, 2/3 veterinarians and pharmacists 

1871 1881 pogrom’s against the Jews at a time when the city’s population was exploding and more peasants were moving into the city, laws with  a retreat from the liberalism. Resulting in emigration and utopian movements of Zionism and Russian social democracy.

1903 Kishinev pogroms in Maldavia.

1935 Jabotinsky wrote The Five in Odessa in Russian which was translated into Yiddish in the 1940s but only in 2005 to Hebrew. Which portrays this movement against liberalism. In the Moldovanka neighborhood he organized a storeroom in a house with revolvers, crowbars and kitchen knives for Jews to fight back next time.

The Russo Japanese war meant that the grain markets in the Far East dried up. This caused a decline in the importance of Odessa to the Empire and the world. However many soldiers and sailor came through the city to take ship to the battle in Japan.

1905 Mutinous Battleship Potemkin

Shalom Aleichem, the Jewish Russian historian Simon Dubnov and Leon Pinsker all lived near each other. Isaac Babel the writer's  father had a warehouse in Moldavanka , Odessa was brought up on Talmudic reasoning and later moved to St. Petersburg where he worked for Maxim Gorky. It was only found out during Gorbechov's glasnost that he was shot in a Stalin Gulag in 1940.

1890s The Odessa Committee was set up to support Jewish settlers in Palestine. It helped to establish Rehoboth and Hedera and rehabilitate Mismar Hayarden, It was run by Leon Pinsker. It had as many as 4000 members and supported Hoveve Tzion and closed in1913.

1911 -1913 2 Balkan Wars. Sergei Eisenstein was not from Odessa but is known for the Odessa steps even though the real massacre did not take place there.

1921 After the revolution Chaim Bialik was hounded by the authorities he was a great pioneer of Hebrew poetry and came to Palestine.

1929 Trotsky who had been at St Paul’s school Odessa left from the city for exile, having gone from revolutionary prophet to disgraced enemy of Stalin.

1937 to 1941   19361 Odessans workers, intellectuals and government officials were arrested and a third of them were shot in the Stalinist purges.

1941 The NKVD headquarters in Odessa was blown up by Stalin's secret police this killed General Ion Glogojano and  the Romanian occupation forces there, this was the area of Romanian, Transnista over 220000 Jews were killed by Romanians on the way to the ghettoes and concentration camps set up in Soviet Russia. There was no large scale removal of Jews from Romania itself but Bessarabia and Transnistia this was something else. In this area the Romanian recruited police amongst the local ethnic Germans.

Gheorghe Alexianu was an obscure professor and Romania Nationalist and he was decorated by the Papal Nuncio for his diligent management overseeing the deportations in this new Romanian province. His job was to Romanize it.

As the Russians fled and  those who knew what to expect of the Germans fled with them. Odessans were spread as far afield as Uzbekistan. Even the trolley cars from Odessa were found to be working in Romania.

1944 with the Soviets pushing westwards the Romanian king Mihai overthrew Ion Antonescu and declared Romania accession to the Allies. Where the Romanians withdrew from Odessa the Germans took over.

Odessa was under occupation for 907 days before the Soviet return, and the former "fascist" enemy Romania became a socialist friend.

 1947 the Soviet, installed the communists and king Mihai was forced to surrender his throne and flee.

1950s synagogues that reopened after the war were closed by the Soviets.

Leningrad held out against the German siege for 2 and a half years, Sevastopol , 9 months  and Stalingrad eventually crushed the German army  and these were considered "hero cities"

Tashkent film Studios became home of filmmakers and actors who evacuated.

 1903 and 1905 As a result of the pogrom’s Jew emigrated to mostly the US and Brighton Beach was just developing and they went there instead of Delancy Street and the Lower East Side. Briton Beach theater which had vaudeville acts and specialized in Yiddish plays with Jacob Adler, Jenny Goldstein , David Kessler, composer Joseph Rumshinsky. After the holocaust further immigrants of Russian speaking Jews  arrived and they are was called Little Odessa.

Wassily Kandinsky the artist and Daniel Oistrakh the violinist were both raised in Odessa.

With the fall of the Soviets the bust of Marx was substituted for the founder Catherine the Great. 

There were up to 70 thousand Jews in the Odessa region in 1989 most emigrated today perhaps 36 thousand left.


Catherine the Great by Henri Troyat 1980 350p This book reads like a novel of a biography 1762 - 1796. Peter the Great who tried to force Russia to Europeanize never succeeded. It took the wife of one of his grandchildren to try again. Catherine was born German of a high class family and she was recruited to marry Peter. Elizabeth Tzarina of Russia was childless and chose her nephew Peter to be the Grand Duke. Peter was a child who never grew up, he never bothered to learn Russian while his wife did. She got to know the powerful politicians and portrayed herself as a devout. Orthodox church goer. Her Children were not fathered by Peter as he was sterile, she had different partners and the help of official to hide a pregnancy that Peter would know was not his. The children were taken away from her by Elizabeth so she hardly knew them, till later. When Elizabeth died Peter created havoc by becoming allies of Prussia disrespecting the church till Catherine's friends staged a coup and the army recognized her as the power holder. During a few years in power she already conquered territory from the Turks taking Crimea, Moldavia Walachia, what became Belarus as well as a large part of Poland. . The Russian Empire reached it biggest during her time. She brought an English doctor to inoculate her against small pox and the rest of the court agreed to inoculations. She built the Hermitage as part of the Winter Palace and bought up collection of art from Europe. She was a patron of the arts and supported leading writers in France including Didoret and Voltaire and bought their libraries to bring to the Hermitage Library. When in 1790s Austria and Prussia were putting down the French rebels Catherine took her share of Poland and it is from those days that Jews were under Russia in the Pale, ----------------------------------


Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Duke : 100 Chapters on the life of Prince Phillip by Ian Lloyd 2021 300pg

 Read only his background till he married Princess Elizabeth  80 pages 17/7/21

He worked in public life from 1952 to retirement in 2017 accompanying the Queen.  In that time she made 266 visits to 116 countries.

1913 His grandfather George I was assassinated in Greece.

Tragedy 1. In 1930 his mother Princess Alice suffered from manic depression and was separated from her only son for 7 years and his father left for the south of France with his mistress.

Tragedy 2. George VI died at the age of 56 so after only 4 years their marriage, Phillip had to give up his navel career. 40 % of polled readers objected to Princess Elizabeth marrying someone foreign, despite him having spent the whole of WW2 in the British navy. He was called Phil the Greek even though he had not a drop of Greek blood.

He was born Prince Phillipos of Greece on the Island of Corfu. His father was Prince Andrew of Denmark.

1967 Greek Royal family were overthrown. His mother was 36 when he was born.

His mother Princess Alice of Battenberg was Queen Victoria's daughter. Phillips family was royalty on all sides whereas Elizabeth mother was a commoner.  In childhood he spoke English, French and German.

His aunt Princess George was involved studying psychoanalysis, friendly with Sigmund Freud and paid to send Phillip and his sisters to private schools in Paris.

1907 Marie married Phillips uncle Prince George who had in 1891 saved Prince later Tsar Nicholas II from being assassinated in Otsu Japan with his walking stick.

1919 -1920 As a result of the Greek Turkish War his father Prince Andrew  was exiled from his homeland.

1937 Phillips sister Cecile, husband, 2 sons died in an air crash. Phillip was at the funeral with his 3  remaining sisters and brother in laws and a man in a SS uniform and other as a storm trooper. Herman Goring was in the procession.  Philip’s younger sister Sophie was married to Prince Christoph of Hesse and friends of Goring. A number of relatives were members of the Nazi party. 

1948 Phillips 3 sisters were not invited to the wedding but in 1953 were invited to the Coronation and sat in the Royal box with their mother Princess Alice behind the Queen mother and Princess Margaret.

Louis Mountbatten was murdered 2 years before Charles married Diana Spencer

From 1933 aged 9 to 1947 aged 28 Phillip had no permanent family home.

1941 March Italy's greatest defeat in WW2 off Cape Mattapan was Prince Phillip greatest hour. In 5 minutes Admiral Cunningham’s crews sunk 3 heavy Italian cruisers, 2 battleships, 2300 Italian troops killed and 1015 captured.  Bletchley Park had tipped them off and the British had radar that the Italian did not have.

1942 Prince Arthur was the last of Victoria’s sons, her 7th child who died at the age of 91, he had been in the navy for 40 years.

1945Phillip was on HMS Wager that was next to the USS Missouri where Japan signed the surrender.

1947 King, Queen and 2 princesses returned from their tour of South Africa.

1947 July official announcement of Phillip Elizabeth engagement.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Alone Britain Churchill and Dunkirk: Defeat into Victory by Michael Korda 2019 462pg

Michael Korda was a child of 7 when the war began, he writes on the Korda family and their relationship with Churchill in the period when Britian fought Germany alone.  5/7/21  

All wars occur from a succession of mistakes. Alexander Korda was a famous film director and producer his wife Merle Oberon a major movie star.  Because they had come from Hungary which was under a dictator Miklos Horty's fascist regime, they had no difficulty understanding what Hitler stood for. There was a constant flow of refugees towards America with Alexander Korda's help.

His father was Vincent Korda, screen designer and mother Gertrude Musgrove a London stage actress. The third brother who worked with them was Zoltan. Alexander had a studio in Paris and those who worked there also worked for M16. Alexander's years in Berlin were his most productive and his friends included the pro-Nazi Leni Riefenstahl and General Ernst Udet as well as anti-Nazis like Marlene Dietrich and Lotte Lenya. Who married Kurt Weil who died in 1950. Otto Preminger and Billie Wilder were part of the German film industry move to Paris then London then Hollywood. French Filmmaker Georges Perinal and Rene Clair. Fleeing French Car Licenses showed how far the German had advanced. The French air force disintegrated at once as predicted by French political circles. German airplanes were immediately based behind their troops. Petain was a pessimist, vain and disliked the British.

Mussolini calculated that Germany would win the war and had to join to get the spoils.

The British army has no term Private it has guardsman, gunners, sappers and rifleman or fusiliers. A rifle or pistol are never called a gun.

Destroyers went to Ijmuiden and brought the Dutch Royal Family as well as the gold reserves and a large stock of diamonds from the Netherlands

Captain W. G Tennant was sent to be the SNO at Dunkirk in charge of evacuation. Dunkirk survivors later go a patch on their sleeve with the word Dunkirk. SS Totenkopf troops executed French Moroccan troops.

 French premier Edouard Daladier dragged reluctantly into appeasement by Chamberlain at the Munich conference 1938. Chamberlain claimed that he could tell at a glance if a person’s word was their bond. The Poles under foreign minister Josef Beck refused to negotiate even small issues with the Germans. Britain and France were reluctant to have an alliance with Russia so Hitler managed to. The Poles refused to allow Russian troops to cross their border in case of German aggression. The Poles regarded Russia as a more dangerous enemy than Germany. British talk of loans to Poland broke down as there was pessimism of their ability to pay back.

Litvinov was a Jew married to an English women and it would have been impossible for him to negotiate with Hitler so Molotov was appointed by Stalin.

1939 August 23 Molotov Ribbentrop Treaty.   WW1 had cost France 1.35 million lives, so the Maginot line and French Army was to prevent a war not win one, but this did not protect the Ardennes Forest. France could mobilize 3 and a half million men. Birgen Dahlerus a Swedish diplomat was supported by British to negotiate between Poland and Germany, they did not know he had a German wife and was a friend of Goring.

Reinhardt Heydrich SS orchestrated Kristallnacht and in 1938 rounded up Jews after the Anschluss.

Chamberlain would fall unless he could announce a ultimatum had been sent to Germany, the French also did 2 hours later after trying to get Mussolini to intervene. Poland was defeated in 8 weeks and the Phony War lasted 8 months

1941 Dec Hungary only then joined the war. On the Axis side.

Belgium, Netherland were neutral so foreign troops could not come to help till war was declared. 

1939 March. Germany occupied Prague, so Britain started war preparation.

Danzig had its own currency, postage stamps and anthem.

In the Katyn forest 20,000 Polish officers were killed by the Soviets. Germany's program was to depopulate Poland and turn it into a German agricultural colony.

 There was a air defense gun near the London studio and Vincent used to go chat to the Polish manning it in his Miklosdeutch. After the war a list was made public of the British citizens that the Germans intended to round up immediately including the Korda family. When the brothers argued in Hungarian  nobody was informed what the conversation was about.

Chamberlain had been shamed into declaring war while the French were bullied to follow suit.  Churchill “History will judge me kindly for I shall write it". Hitler and Mussolini did not live to write memoirs,  Roosevelt and Stalin chose not to.

Professor Frederich Lindman a scientist worked and advised Churchill directly.

1939 The British navy was still the world largest and most powerful. 1700 letters written between Churchill and Roosevelt during the war.  De Gaul’s book on armored warfare sold less than 700 in France while over 7000 in Germany. The tank a British invention was not developed due to lack of funds and government policy to avoid a continental war. German tanks had been tried out in the Spanish Civil War.

German tank warfare was developed by Heinz Guderian, the crews must be able to communicate and receive orders.  Tanks had to keep moving at all costs as stationary they were targets for artillery and airplanes. 

Germany defeated Poland by superior numbers 1and a half million against 950,000.

The French army was over 5 million strong under commander in chief Maurice Gamelin. His worst judgement was that it would take the Germans 2 weeks to cross the Ardennes forest. The Germans attacking Belgium, Holland automatically brought Britain into the war. As neutral the Belgium and Dutch could not begin mobilizing their armies till attacked. In 1914 Belgium had declared war on Germany slowing down their advance by 3 weeks leading to the French victory at Marne. During the occupation then, the Germans had deliberately burned down the University liberary of Louvain.

The British liked French General Georges but he had never fully recovered the wound received being next to King Alexander of Yugoslavia’s assassination in Marseilles 1934.   

The German attack had 3 and a half million men 3000 tanks and 3000 aircraft, the infantry followed using half a million horses.

Since 1856 when the Victoria Cross was given only1,358 recipients.

The RAF had no aircraft suitable for dive-bombing nor pilots trained for it. 1940 was one of the coldest winters in 100 years; the French army had a lack of enthusiasm for war and were indifferent to sanitation and lived in filth. British troops were better paid and looked after than the French and also had sports equipment to keep healthy. Because of the widespread presents of prostitution condoms were sold in the army canteen and soldiers were instructed how to use them. The British Pioneers were convicts let out of jail to go to war they were not trained or given rifles but brought to dig trenches.

Nearly half of Germanys iron or came from Lulea and was transported to the Norwegian port of Narvik and shipped to Germany.

In France Daladier was replaced by Paul Reynaud. Both had mistresses and bitter rivalry between them.

In 48 hours every main Norwegian port were in German hands. It had cost Germany10 destroyers and 3 warships damaging heavily the German navy. Pro German fascist government was set up in Norway under Major Vidkun Quisling.

In WW2 Switzerland Sweden Spain Portugal were neutral and the US until Dec7 1941.

Chamberlain had a majority of 200 seats. He was criticized for missing the bus on Norway; this lost him the loyalty of the party.

Leo Amery a Jew was one of 4 conservative who protested on Chamberlain going to Munich. Chamberlain was told to resign to be an example of the sacrifice to come. 

1940 10 May phony war ended with Germany's attack on Belgium Holland France. Holland opened the dykes to flood the land and slow the Germans.

W.H. Thomson had been Churchill bodyguard since 1921. It had taken Churchill 41 years in politics to become PM.  Sir Henry Strakosch was a SA Jewish banker financier, pushed  against appeasement.

Churchill had supported Edward VIII in marrying Mrs. Simpson and had not yet been forgiven by the Queen

1941 May 21 the German ship Bismarck was sunk. After this the German specialized in Uboats.

German militaristic boastful propaganda movies were never played in America.    

In Belgium civilian refugees were fleeing the fighting slowing down the advance of the British and French armies while the Luftwaffe attacked them mercilessly. The French dependence on telephones rather than radio cost hem dear.

The Belgium King had been educated in Eton but failed to make a good impression on the English. The lack of British Fighter aircraft would become a French explanation for the failure. It was thought it would take the Germans 3 weeks to reach the Dyle River they arrived in 4 days and they reached Sedan through the Ardennes in 2 days. The Meuse is north of the Dyle and this is where a stand was taken.  Rommel was neither a Nazi nor a Prussian. His breakout of the Ardennes was north and not towards Paris as expected. Almost half the tanks used were taken from Czechoslovakia. With the bridges destroyed on the Meuse soldiers could walk across the weir but  if it had been destroyed the upstream level would have been fordable by the Germans.

1940 May 15 the Netherlands surrendered. In Rotterdam 900 civilians killed and a firestorm destroyed the city centre making 90,000 homeless. Belgium has 300 years of wars with British graves left behind.

Ralph Richardson and Lawrence Olivier  became pilots till Churchill asked them to return to acting.  France lost most of her  aircraft trying to bomb the bridges that the German engineers were building. Britain had to keep her fighter squadrons to fight the war alone. François Darlan never ceased to reminding people that his grandfather had been killed by the English at Trafalgar, he later supported the Vishy regime with people who admired Hitler. Joan of Arc was killed by the English.

The Luftwaffe lost 1266 aircraft during the entire campaign 300 of them by accidents. US Ambassador Joseph Kennedy was a tea totaler but owned a liquor company gave bad reports of Churchill drinking, but these were ignored.

Germanys priority was defeating the French army rather than dealing with the "pocket of the BEF. British Expedition Force.

The British counterattacked at Arras to get behind the tanks and in the gap and insert a wedge in the infantry and this shocked Rommel, thinking it was a full scale counterattack, but Lord Gort withdrew before British forces were surrounded.

4 VCs were awarded in the Dunkirk retreat. Where circumstances put French and British together they all fought bravely. Most British entered France through Boulogne, Calais and Dunkirk so by the late 19C these all had signs in English and English style pubs. The Dover Strait is 21 miles at its narrowest. Le Harve, Cherbourg or Brest had bigger harbours.    To Protect Dunkirk the Calais forces under Brigadier Nicholson  would not be withdrawn.  Victory has a hundred fathers defeat is an orphan.

The French divisions behind the Maginot could have been flung against the Germans at this point.  

Vice Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsey was in charge of Dover a month before he had all private boats registered for "minesweeping duty"  He later became Eisenhower trusted planner in  North African 1942 and Sicily 1943 and Normandy 1944. He was brought out of retirement as a friend of Churchill. He gave thought to the rescue of the BEF long before Lord Gort. The British Morris armored car had been designed for warfare against dessert tribes. The French General Waygand and Lord Gort failed to meet to agree on a plan.

If the German invaded England, Dover would be attacked. During the war public were supposed to use the phones as little as possible to leave the lines open for official use.

Robert Vansittart in the Foreign Office was the most anti appeaser. Churchill “The nations which went down fighting rose again, those who tamely surrendered were finished.

Sir Oswald Mosely - British Fascist Party would be Hitler’s puppet, if Germany invaded. The Fuhrer was a witness to his weddding to Diana Mitford in Berlin. They were both imprisoned for much of the war.

At Dunkirk bad weather and black smoke diminished the accuracy of the air attacks, and the beach sand absorbed the bomb explosions. Many officers took the first chance to get boat leaving soldiers unorganized. There was 12 miles of beach.

Both French and British defenders kept the thin line of defense for 5 days. The navy lost 2 destroyers. The wounded were embarked from the eastern mole of the harbour.  Life boats were formed into “trots” and towed out by a tug that avoided minefields and taken right up to the beaches and load 30 soldiers and take them to bigger boats and spent 3 days and night doing this till they were towed to Ramsgate. The Dover Straits are shallow with sandbanks not suitable for U-boats to hunt. 

The French Vice Admiral Jean Marie Abrial  in Dunkirk was evacuated and returned to  became a collaborationist to Petain. Lord Gort got a firm order to return to England and Major General Alexander took over, the one who later became a Field Marshall. Hundreds of packets of cigarettes littered the NAAFI stores in Dunkirk.  860 vessels of all kinds were used. 10% of privately owned boats were lost Navy seamen "pull" oars while civilian "row" oars.

198 thousand British and 140 thousand French were evacuated except for 3000 French who chose to fight for De Gaul the rest were repatriated to fight and ended up as POWs The ships returned to get French defending soldiers but due to poor discipline, the missed the ships and the ships missed them.

Hitler though that the political crises would cause the right people to come to power in Britian that would make peace.

Halifax was sent to be Ambassador in Washington, Sir Samuel Hoare to Madrid and the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII)1 to the Bahamas to get rid of the remaining appeasers. 569 trains were sent to collect the troops in Dover and most were routed around London.

1940 June 14, fall of Paris. The war cost France 90,000 dead, 2 million French became POW slave workers for 5 years about 10% of the male population . 

1940July 4 the destruction of the French fleet at Maers el Kebir in Morocco showed that Churchill had decisive power.

1940 July to Sept the Battle of Britain


Churchill and M16 wanted Alexander Korda to produce movies that would be an American product and would cause sympathy for the British cause. Both Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Leigh were under contract to Korda and made the movie "The Hamilton Woman"  At the London studio more workers were called up for military service.

1941 Where Alexander worked both his Vincent and uncle Zoltan worked and this was exactly the time that the plan to evacuate children in the belief that they faced gigantic air raids. 

Operation Pied Piper. Nearly 3 and a half million people were evacuated out of cities a scale better suited to totalitarian regimes. Moved to places they were not wanted. Churchill disliked this scheme.  The writer's mother felt ashamed to be moving to Hollywood as if a coward.  Over 17000 children were sent by their parents abroad  (including historians Martin Gilbert, Alistair Horne)when U boats were lurking around and 2 of these ships were torpedoed. Anne Freud concluded that the separation of children and parent was a worse shock for the children than the bombing.

 1941 June 22, Hitler attacked the Soviets but till then Britain stood alone.

1941 Dec Japan attacked the USA. Hitler declared war on the USA.


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