Saturday, January 23, 2021

City of Oranges :Arabs and Jews in Jaffa by Adam Le Bor 2006 327pg

 A History of Jaffa as well as Israel and Jewish Arab Conflict    22/1/21

This was an interesting, very readable book and coverer the story of Israel till 2006, I only wrote down the new ideas it gave to me especially on Jaffa
1517 Ottomans took Jaffa
1838 Aharon Cherlouch arrived from Oran , Algeria with whis parents. They later took on French citizenship to protect them from the Ottoman.
1840 Scottish artist David Roberts visited Jaffa and documented some scenes there.
1845 from about his time baladi and shamouti oranges started being cultivated and became an export from Jaffa. Tel Aviv was referred to as The Big Orange.
1866 George Washington Adams came from Maine with 43 families, the project failed and he drank away the funds. About 20 American remained and they sold off some of their land to the German Templers who came from Württemberg.
1869 Sorona and Walhalla set up and within a year they had an olive press and sawmill working.
1887 Neve Tzedic was the new Jewish section of Jaffa later Neve Shalom
The Jaffe Clock tower was built by Sultan Abdul Hamid II at the beginning of the century.
Aharon Chelouch build the Chelouch Bridge across the wadi for his own comfort in Neve Tzedek.
1902 The Anglo Palestine Bank founded in Jaffa to buy land. Where land was bought the Arab tenants were moved off. The leading Arab families all sold land in fact at one time more land was available to be bought than there was money to buy it.
1908  Sultan Abdul Hamid II  was toppled by the Young Turks.
1909 April Tel Aviv founded by the Ahuzat Bayit society Aharon Cherlouch was a leading member and it was to prepare for the 2n aliyah. Later the Hassan Bey mosque was built to stop Tel Aviv spreading southwards.
1911 Palistin an Arabic newspaper in Jaffa founded to represent Arab Nationalism.
1917 Before the British invaded Jews were expelled from Tel Aviv. The war brought Jaffe to near starvation with the  1917  locust plague and he Anglo Palesting bank was forced to close. Yakov and Moshe Chelouch were imprisoned in Damascus with Belkind of the NILI.    An Arab kid of the Samarra clan arrived in Jaffa and his money had been stolen Aharon Chaelouch gave him a very valuable coin to help him later on when the Turks expelled the Jews from Tel Aviv, Aharon and  and family were in Tulkarm and the Samara family helped them.  Later in 1948 Ali Mustakin wanted to get get into Israel as part of family reunion where a few thousand Arabs were allowed back. Aharon Chelouches as Governor of Jaffa and the Triangle and allowing back was his job and the mans grandfather was Samara from Tulkarm and Aharon allowed him back. Later Aharon aged 61 was the dean of students at el Aviv University. An Arab women student was a trouble maker and at the end of her first year told her she would not be acepted  for another year. She began swearing and saying her family had been in Taibe since the days of Mahammad. He saw her family name and told her the story of her clan and allowed her to stay but she left after another year.
1917 Turkish Empire collapsed in 1917. Under the British you no longer had to pay bribes.
1919 The Bauhaus school stated in Weimer Germany and TA ended up having the greatest concentration of Bauhaus influenced buildings in the world

1920 the Chelouch family. Their son  David married Julia Bobout. at the Eden cinima Tel Aviv Both Jews and Arabs were guests at the wedding. They were of Sparadi origin and they spoke French and Arabic, but not Hebrew.  Aharon the grand fther of Dvid died the same year and it was the end of the cosmopolitan era for Jaffa
  Jaffa had English French Italian and Arabic language schools They had 2 soccer teams on Chrstian and one Moslem.
1920Hagana Jewish underground founded 

1921 The  Arab riots against Jewish immigration. Jewish Labour Party and the communists had an argument about holding a May Day parade and this led to a bigger Jewish Arab riot.  This led to a move of Jews to get out of Jaffa and start Tel Aviv.  Abraham Chelouch married Julia at the Eden Cinema and the invitation went out in French and Arabic, this big celebration brought Jews and Arabs in Jaffa together.
1926 Joseph Roth in the Wandering Jew wrote that the Jews are bringing electricity and development to the Levant and the locals should be grateful but they will object to the onslaught of the Anglo civilization. Where land was bought the Arab tenants were moved off. The leading Arab families all sold land in fact at one time more land was available to be bought than there was money to buy it.
Shlomo Cherlouch had a house on Rothscild boulevard.
1928 Muslim brotherhood started in Egypt, it spread to a lot of the Arab world but got little support in Jaffa, thugs would throw dirty wter on women in the shuk without a head cover.
1929 Arab riots in Hebron killing 69 Jews.
1930 by this time the Yishuv was dominated by Askanasi Jews who did not speak Arabic so the Cherlouch  had an advantage 
1933 the Arabs established a High Committee but there was a feud between the al-Husseini and al-ashashibis the 2 leading clans.
1934 Tel Aviv officially recognised as a city with a population of 12000
1936 the Arab Revolt began. There was a flour mill in Haifa set up by the Rothchilds.
1937 19 people killed in the Jewish quarter of  Tiberia.
1939 Many Arabs supported the Germans thinking they could beat he British and French. The Iraqi uprising was put down with the help of David Raziel of the Lehi. Hitler set up anti SS units to be jihadist, the Bosnian Handzar and Albanian Skenderbeg divisions.
The orange industry collapsed and all cars and trucks were commandeered by the British for the war effort.
1940s St Joseph's school attacked many rich Arab students. It was in French medium and students were punished if they spoke anything but French.
1940 by this time TA had 200000 inhabitants. 1 of 3 Jews in Palestine lived there.
1944 The Irgun commander of the Irgun Menachem Begin declared war on the British, blowing up Immigration offices in TA and Haifa and Intelligence service in Jaffa.
1944 In Egypt the Arab Palestine Party relaunched.
1948 May During the War of Independence 6000 Israelis or 1 present of the Jewish population were killed. From May 48 till the end of 1951, 648000 Jews  arrived. 
1949 Itzchak Sadah left military service and became a writer., under the pen name "The Wanderer ''  45thousand of the 50thousand Bulgarian Jews arrived and many moved into abandoned houses in Jaffa.
The Jabaliyyah  was changed to Gival Aliyah.
1950 Absentee Property Law. Property belonging to anyone who fled in 1948 it became state property.
1960 Mansheyyah the destroyed  Jaffa suburb where most of the fighting in 1948 took place was finally leveled with the only  house left standing the Irgun Museum.
1966 Jaffa turned into an artists colony. with Frank Meisler as planner.
1996 Al Ghezira the first Arab free TV channel launched in Qatar.
2004 Saudis interviewed said they would refuse to shake hand with a Jew. Islamization had a great impact on Israeli Arabs.  Jaffa was inundated with drug mafias.  Many school children in the Arab sector were dropping out of school unable to read or write in either Arabic or Hebrew. Even when someone was killed in Nablus or Gaza if they had families in Jaffa the vendettas continued there. Then the suicide bombing moved Israeli opinion to the right.


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