Saturday, May 28, 2022

Nicholas II the fall of the Romanovs by B.R.Egginton 185pg 2020

  History Crash courses  ( course book 3)   25/6/21

Russia’s determination to expand in global influence was considered a threat to global stability Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and Stalin all used brute force to propel their underdeveloped nation forward.  Alexander III enjoyed this mindset. Nicholas acceded to the throne too early as he was not expecting he father to die so young.

Nicholas II, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Charles I of Austro-Hungary all lost their thrones in WW1 only the UK remained as it was a constitutional monarch.

St. Petersburg was to bring Western Culture and its architecture is Italian and the aristocrats favored French.

1881-94 Alexander III modernized the country by bringing in the railways.

1866 Alexander married Maria Fedorovna who was the Princess Dagmar of Denmark she was originally betrothed to his older brother.  She was very popular amongst the Russian people. 

1868 May 18th in Baltic city St. Petersburg Nicholas II born,. His brother George 1871, Michael 1878

In education he had a passion for history and Russian literature and spoke English, French and German fluently, his tutor Pobedonostsev hated non-orthodox groups and was an anti-Semite and taught him against responsible government which was alien to Russia.

1994Nov1st Death of Alexander III

1894 Nov 26th Nicholas and Alexandra got married during the mourning period for his father.

From the beginning Alexandra was disliked by the Russian population.

1894 Military Alliance with France as both feared Germany.

Nicholas family expanded Olga 1995 , Tattiana1897,Marie1899 Anastasia 1901, Alexey the crown prince 1904

1896 May Coronation in Moscow of Tsar Nicholas II. The chain of the Order of Andrew came undone and fell to the floor - a bad omen.  The wedding feast offered food for the poor and they charged in and not see the trenches in the ground from a military exercise and thousand lay dead and wounded.

Russia embarked on a program of rapid industrial and great railway expansion at the start of his reign making it able to exploit the natural resources -coal metal timber. How could an outdated autocracy maintain growing prosperity?

His 4 uncles Vladimir, Alexis, Serge and Paul were able to influence the direction of the state till the trauma of the war with Japan and 1905 revolution.

1899 Hague Convention was attended by 20 nations to bring world peace including US, Mexico Persia China Japan, so Nicholas was call Nicholas the Pacific, but disarmament was rejected.

1899 Grand Duke George brother and close pal of Nicolas died of tuberculosis.

1901 Jan Queen Victoria in England died Alexandra's grandmother, a source of stability for her.

Wilhelm was 9 years senior to Nicholas and had be Kaiser for 6 years when Nicholas became Tsar. The 2 kept up a cousinly correspondence till after the Japanese war. Though Russia had more in common with Republican France.

Otto von Bismarck saw Russian activity in Asia would diminish her role in Europe. Russia would have trouble with the Japanese or British in India. Vladivostok was closed 3 months in the year but Port Author was open.

Europeans had footholds in China , British Hong Kong, Portugal Macau, Germany Tsingtao between 1898 and 1914 (Quindoa)

Russia managed to get a 99 year lease on Port author and the East China railway would link Siberia to Vladivostok.

1899- 1901 Boxer Rebellion failed to expel foreign exploitation.

1901 Japan made requests against Russian encroachment onto Manchuria but were ignored.

1900 Revolutionary terrorism returned and a few ministers were assassinated including Vyacheslave Plehve in 1904 who turned a blind eye to attacks on Jews 

1904 Feb Japan attacks Russian Pacific navy sinking 2 battleships and a cruiser. Russia went to war but had to rely on the incomplete single track Trans-Siberian Railway.

1904 Oct. Russia had committed to Britain  to keep her Black Sea fleet in place so sent her Baltic fleet to the war against Japan   They thought it was being attacked at Dogger Bank and fired on English fishing trawlers from Hull.  It only arrived near Japan in 1905 May and consisted of 30 warships with 228 guns. 

Admiral Togo destroyed this in the Straits of Tsushima between Korean and Japan. Japan suffered 117 casualties against Russia’s 4380 deaths and 5000 prisoners taken.

1905Jan 57780  Japanese dead and 28200 Russian dead and the Russians in Port Author surrendered.

1905 Sept Treaty of Portsmouth signed in Kittery, Maine under Teddy Roosevelt and Japan received a lease to Port Author and South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

1905 Revolution. Jan As a result of the defeat the Putilov steel works went on strike. Father Gapon led a protest to the Winter Palace and this resulted in Bloody Sunday. Father Gapon fled but the Social Revolutionary Party tracked him down and killed they thought he still was a police agent.

Grand Duke Serge an uncle was assassinated and the Battle Ship Potemkin mutinied and used the ship to bombard the Black Sea Coast.  The Black Hundreds supported Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationalism counteracting the revolutionaries but turned on the Jews as a scapegoat. With Pogroms in 1903 and 1905 with the police turning a blind eye.

1905 October Manifesto the Tsar allowed the Duma to be elected on the advice of Witte, the far left worried that this half way house would stop a full revolution they wanted, it also upset the monarchists  By 1906 Witte was forced to resign. The tsar maintained control of foreign affairs and the army. The Duma immediately wanted land reform universal suffrage, release of political prisoners and only ministers acceptable to the Duma. Stolypin dissolved the Duma.

I907 A second Duma elected. Stolypin put all electoral into the hands of landowners and aristocrats. Stolypin started reforming Russia’s system of land ownership for peasants. "Stolypin’s Necktie" to restore law and order 600 assassins and terrorists were arrested and hung. Free primary school introduced. 

1911 Stolypin assassinated after 5 years of good administration. Nobody appointed afterwards were capable.

AnnaVyrubova daughter of the Imperial Chancellery Alexander Taneyev became Alexandra’s bosom friend and lived in a house on the Tsarkoe Sela.

At a hunting lodge in Spala, Poland Alexei was bleeding and just about being announced dead when a telegram arrived from Rasputin in Pokrovskoe Siberia that he would live.

1913  300 years of Romanov dynasty started by Michael Romanov, this was a big celebration of pageantry both in St. Petersburg and Moscow.


WW1 British parliament despised and alliance with the ruthless autocracy but alarmed and Germany's naval power.

1848 France Joseph had come to power, he was proposing tribalism rule not only by Austrians and Magyars but also Slavs. When war started 1.4 million men were eligible for service in Russia. Germany knew that it would take Russia 6 weeks to get her army assembled and that was enough time to march through neutral Belgium, capture Paris and knock France out of the war. However they got stuck 30 miles from Paris. In Russia the aristocracy were European cosmopolitan and spoke more French than Russian, and spent more time holidaying on Italian and French Riviera than their estates.

Tsar’s brother Michael married an twice divorced commoner Natalie and was forced to live in exile, if he had become regent he would have been forced into a political marriage but was later allowed to return.

1914 August Grand Duke Nicholas, Tsars cousin, ran the war from a base at the Baranovichi junctions Petersburg name changed to Petrograd more Slavic. Witte previous PM had advised against going to war - what profits or rewards will it bring us? Germany had 10 meters of track for every one Russia had.  Russia had only 1 factory for every 150 in the UK.

Renenkampf ordered a cavalry charge on the modern German guns and wiped out the flower of Russian aristocratic youth.  The Battle of Tannenbaum the German guns wiped out a million Russians with a disproportionally number of Russian officers. Russia succeeded against Austria -Hungary capturing 120000 prisoners and 900 guns.

The tsar took command of the army to unify the country first Baranovichi then Mogliev in Belarus.

The Empress and 2 oldest daughters learned nursing and helped in the Catherin Palace hospital. She had to learn politics and needed a guide which was Rasputin the embodiment of Russian peasantry.

1915 Jan Anna Vyrubova was in a train that crashed and Rasputin looked at her on her deathbed and said she will survive be will be crippled.

In 16 months under the Tsarina there were 4 PMs, 5 ministers of the Interior, 3 ministers of war adn 4minister of agriculture and nobody who posed a threat to Rasputin. Polivanov proved to be a capable War Minister in his brief tenure but refused to associate with Rasputin. There were appointees who turned down ministries knowing how short lived they were.

Rasputin suggested they suspend all trains for 3 days to allow food trains to use the track because of shortages.

The Duma called for responsible government but Nicholas felt that the peasants supported him and during the war giving concessions would show weakness. Minister of Interior anticipated a rise in social disorder and 4 cavalry regiments were brought to Petrograd. The Tsar felt more confident as arms shipments had arrived from Britain and France.

1917 March There were long queues outside bakeries for meagre rations and shortages of coal meant factories stopped working. The 13th million men were called up. Kerensky decided that the Tsar must be removed only 5 days after the Tsar left Petrograd. The garrison here was manned by new young soldiers and working class men unsuitable for the front and the police empathized with them due to the state of hunger. Posters threatened strikers they would be sent to the front. Crowds arrived at the Duma with red banners and singing the Marsellaise. Both a provisional government and an assembly of Soviet Soldiers Workers Deputies. Kerensky 36 years old was de facto head of government and moved carefully to avoid a blood bath.

The tsar tried returning to Petrograd but the train was held up by revolutionaries. He was handed a paper to sign abdication, but also for his son and wanted his brother Michael to be take the crown, which he turned down. So the last Romanov as the first would be Michael.  The Bolsheviks would not allow this.

As long as the Provisional Government was in the war they got French, British support. The US was just joining the war now. Thus it was an alliances of democracies against an alliance of Emperors.

The palace guards swore allegiance to the Provisional gov. Kerensky as Minister of Justice had to investigate Alexandra's pro German activities. The tales of the Tsarina and Rasputin were now openly put in the press.

The government had to get the royal family to safety. The British ambassador George Buchanan sent a telegram asking for their asylum. Liberal PM Lloyd George detested the Russian autocracy who needed help getting out of this mess of his own creating but the Provincial Government was her ally.  Britain claimed she was scared of U-boats , but really worried about keeping social cohesion during the war. 

Lenin was living in exile at the time in Geneva an considered this revolution made a proper revolution less likely. He got ceiled passage in a train through Germany and declared an immediate end to the war. Lenin immediately demanded the abolition of the police and armed forces. He was immediately rejected.

 Kerensky refused to negotiate peace with Germany as this would have cut off aid from the allies and a $325 million loan from America. The uprising that followed forced Lenin to flee to Finland and Trotsky was arrested.

1917 Oct a mob stormed the Winter Palace where the Provisional Government were gathered and Kerensky fled into exile and the Bolsheviks took over

1918 March Brest Litovsk Treaty took Russia out the war. The Bolsheviks had now served their purpose to the Kaiser but were now a danger of a global communist revolution to Germany.   With Russia out the war the Germans could beat the allies in Flanders but the American had arrived.

The Royal family was in Yekaterinburg.  The civil war had started and Czech POWs seized control of Omsk and were advancing and would join the White Army and the Romanov could fall into their hands.  Meanwhile American and British troops had arrived in Murmansk.

1918 July the Romanovs were murdered 8 days before the Whites got there and drove out the Bolsheviks. Their bodies were burned and dumped down a disused mineshaft. Prince Michael was also shot in Siberia.

1917- 1922 Russian Civil War.

 Anna Vyrubova escaped over the Finish border and died in 1964

Alexander Kerensky lived in Europe till WW2 and settled in the US with his family and died 1970

1998 the Imperial family were buried in a Church Tomb of Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

 2007 Yekaterinburg,is a place of pilgrimage. All their bodies were found




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