Monday, March 20, 2023

The Netanyahu's by Joshua Cohen2021 238pg

 Benjamin Natanyahu or Bibi is the Prime Minister of Israel today.  10/2/23

Warning : This is not a history book and it is a work of pure fiction however, woven into it are some very interesting comments. The author is very well informed on American Jewish society as well as life and literature in Israel.

An account of a minor and ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family.  This was inspired by and anecdote of Harold Bloom, the famous literary writer and also dedicated to him. The book won the  Pulitzer prize for fiction 2022.  Authors 6th novel. He married at a religious wedding. Author was born in 1982. He has followed all current Israeli writers. The book is more about American Jewish society of the 50s. 
 Benzion Natanyahu 1910 to 2012
 1960 Rubin Blum  only Jewish faculty member, to host an obscure historian on late-medieval Spain – Netanyahu’s real specialty – who is coming for an interview. Benzion brings along his uninvited wife and three sons. Netanyahu's as a parallel to the Trump family, a “reality-show family. Big publishes were scared but  a small Israeli literary journal subsequently published this book in Hebrew. Bibi has not reacted to the book. Immersive novel that also wants to answer questions about Jews and history .
This  story takes place in 1959 1960
According to Netanyahu everything we know about the inquisition is wrong. It was launched by the Popes in collusion with the monarchies, it was to stop new conversions and turn many  Christians back into Jews, Catholics still required people to hate. Limpia de sangre History was actually facts but really beliefs of theology. 1490 and 1940 were identical events.  Isabelle and Ferdinand when they wanted to unite Castile and Arangon their chief opposition was the nobles and so attacking the Jews fitted into their plan. BenZion looked at the holocaust and Hitler and then explained the Spanish Inquisition in those terms. 
Herzel , Nordau, Zangwill and Zev Jabotinsky (from Odessa) and his mentor Nathan Mileikowsky who was Benzion father. Jabotinsky went to campaign Jews in the US. Benzion left Jerusalem for Philadelphia to get better opportunities.  Most people only need the clergy to marry and bury them so   seminars struggle for funds.
If you decide not to hire this Jew it is to avoid Jewish favoritism, but you might not want another Jew to share the woods with.
Revisionist  - Jews had to found an army first and a country second, and the Nazi threat was real.  You could not influence British foreign policy as it was in the hands of aristocrats, however in the US foreign policy was in the hands of popular appeal. Writing about Iberian Jews inability to save them selves was a proxy to current Jewry in the same position in Europe.
Ruby's father was an expert cutting cloth and so could cut a Turkey easily.  The Soviets have an idea that doesn't work as it is against nature.
Andrew Jackson is said to have invited guests to his home who he knew would damage it and afterwards was able to ask Congress for funds to repair it.
Their door was enwreathed with Christmas decoration the only one in the town so it would be easy for the Netanyahu's to identify. Instead of only Benzoin arriving the whole family of 5 arrived. His wife Tzila and Jonathan 13 (Jonni) Benjamin (Bibi)10  and Iddo  (Iddy)7.   Edith asked them to take off their wet shoes and later to Rubie they referred to them as the Yahus  (Yahoos from Gulliver's travels stand for crude, brutish or obscenely course person.)  The children came with because the babysitter cancelled because of a fire caused by a flood of frozen pipes. and Benzoin forgot to phone and tell them. 
Ruby could not talk to Edith in Yiddish as the guests spoke that also. The children saw a color TV for the first time and were watching Bonanza and Gunsmoke.
The theological seminary had been founded to produce Puritan and Congregationalist ministers.
Revisionist History - this is where a  set of historic relationships is agreed on and somebody bring another set of ideas, like the Red ideas.  Benzoin assures them that he is not  welcome at home where he has rejected the socialist view. Revisionism can be unsettling.  When BenZion was at the Hebrew University it had world leading academics from every university in Europe and world figures like for example. Martin Buber. He also never saw eye to eye with Menachem Begin. One of  BenZion recommendations comes from Lubner (liar)
Benzoin askes if he'll get his honorarium (money for the lectures he is giving) and Ruby tell him that that has to be agreed by the university before he visits. He could only get the lectureship in history if the cost could be split with the theology dept. where they needed a Hebrew scholar. 
Tzila (She has Sara Netanyahu's personality)- because she couldn't get an attached room for the children yells at the receptionist that she did not want to be a a flea bag dump any way and informs Edith they are staying at her home. They downstairs and the children in Ruby's study.  " These people don't give they take" At the hotel when Ruby arrives and askes the receptionist if his wife is there she says yes she is sitting with a horrible foreign woman in the lounge.
When they get home the discover the house is in a complete mess the new color TV is smashed and the floor is covered with the glass and Joni is in bed with Julia who is older than him and supposed to be the babysitter. Is this meant to be a comparison to what Bibi has done to the State of Israel today.

Jabotinski died in 1940 his remains were reburied at Mount Hertzel in 1964.
Harold Blood was living in New Haven Connecticut when Joshua Cohen visited him and got the story of the Netanyahu's. Cornell University has a campus in Ithaca upper state NY.

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