Sunday, April 7, 2024

Israel : Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Pual Singer + Innovate


Start-up Nation by Dan Senor and Pual Singer 2009 310pg 1/12/2010 This is a fascinating book and very readable. Why do so many patents get invented in Israel? A whole lot of circumstances are just right to lead to this in fact this has become a new form of modern day Zionism and the book shows that money is a incentive but purpose and idealism are very important in leading to invention. Israel is a very informal society and in business or the army everyone knows people by their first names, so information cross fertilizes rather than waiting for it to move via a hierarchy. Democracy is also very much part of this and Judaism which has always promoted learning has another aspect that everything has to be discussed and even if this leads to chaos. Nothing is accepted on face value and their is no Pope to make laws. Then the role that the army plays in this. Israel is one of the few Democratic Western countries that has conscription with the result that the army is able to choose the best of the society to train into the jobs needed to be done. Young junior army officers have to take responsibility and leadership for their soldier in the field and make life or death decisions, then later might go to university and know their aims and are older already when they study. The army also provides the connections and fraternity for them in later life business. In the early days of the State, Ben Gurion encouraged the development of the aeronautic industry for military purposes which lead to the development science industries. The Hebrew University and Weitzman Institute were started before the State even existed. The fact that Israel is a small country and immigrant state and immigrants arriving have to reinvent themselves to adapt to their new circumstances. He points out that creative people have had government help in Israel but a country like Dubia the government has poured millions into modernizing the country but the academics and workers brought in do it to take out what they can get and have no idealism to develop the Gulf State. This is a fascinating book and tells you a lot about Israeli society.


Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World by Avi Jorish 196pg 2018 7/3/18

This starts off that the Bible says "let there be light" and so man should always work for improvement. I love reading history that shows the other great things are happening besides just wars and conflict. It discusses that when medical help in needing quickly there are many capable people nearby who want to help till the ambulance arrives and so a system was set up to muster them organized by Eli Beer of Hatzala a purely volunteer organization. The start of drip irrigation development by Simcha Blass which is today used world wide, by Netufim in 1959. Iron Dome defense system developed by Danny Gold was a success in the Gaza war of 2014 Then the development of the Grain Cocoon by Shlomo Navarre to kill bugs in grain storage without pesticides and is used all over the world in grain storage. The grain sealed uses up the oxygen and the bugs die after about 10 days Harry Tzi Tabor invented the solar water heater in 1955 which was made at Timorim and called Miromit. It really became a success after in oil shocks of 1973 and later all Israeli residential building from1980 had to design it into the construction. It save up to 8% of the electricity needed for the country. Dr Amit Gofer designed a exoskeleton for paraplegics because he was paralysed, it only became an acceptable idea when Clare Lomas in 2012 ran the Irish marathon using it. Alpha Omega was started by an Arab Mr Imad and Reem Younis from Nazareth who studied at the Techinion. These are methods to do brain surgery more accurately. This company attracts Arab graduates without experience to help them get started. Check Point build Firewall in 1996 to stop computers being attacked. This was build by Gil Swed and Marius Nacht before people realized how vulnerable their computers were. Pilcam developed by Given Imaging to be able to film what is happening in a persons gut works better than the old gastroscopy. Gabi Iddan and Gavrial Givron in 1998 using the camera that is at the head of a missile. Raphael Mechoulam 1963 worked on marijuana to understand its narcotic function and to make it into a medication. Emergency bandage designed to put pressure on a wound at an accident to be sterile and stop blood loss invented by Bernard Bar-Natan Ornithology which mapped out the time and route birds take in migrating north and south over Israel so that airplanes know what paths to keep to in migrating season this was developed by Yossi Leshem as a PhD thesis but was developed it protect airplane flying over. Interferon a drug for multiple sclerosis was discovered by Michael Revel Date seeds found in Masada from 1900 years ago Sarah Salon managed to get to grow and it is the biblical variety that no longer exists The author has also written a book to stop terrorists banking, by naming and shaming the banks and eventually the US government stepped in to stop this

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