Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hirohito and the making of modern Japan by Herbert P Bix 2001 582 pg

April 2024  Parts of the book  the Introduction

Post 1915 the racialist ultranationalist of the" Imperial Way" that had powered Japanese aggression disintegrated .
The Meijj Constitution of 1889 was grafted to an absolutist system of power and ascribed to the sacred and inviolable emperor enormous military and civil powers. Imperial Rescript on Education also prevented a true constitutional monarchy from evolving, but actually the authority resided in the cabinet. 
Between1925 and 1945 the led to repressive responses to dissent at home and to rising nationalism
1931 an insubordinate young officer fearing that Chiang Kai-shek campaign would reunify China in defiance of the Emperor began a campaign in Manchuria thus railway rights in these areas were divided into Japanese and American Spheres of influence.
1922 Nine power treaty was supposed to guarantee Chinas territorial integrity and the 1928 Kellogg Briand Pact.
 1920s Hirohiito  abandoned the party based cabinets and presided over a balance of powers amongst the elites the military the parliament and business community. This was designed to fortify the throne by entrusting power to elderly admirals.
1936 A bloody mutiny the largest ever ,resulted in murder of Hirohito's closest advisers. This was suppressed and the Emperor to on greater decision making power 
1919 Japans proposal for a racial equality at t he Paris peace Conference. Australia, the US and Canada all had discriminatory and humiliating immigration policies.
1924 Congress Immigration Act gave quotes against genetically inferior Eastern European Jews , Italians and Japanese. Some Japanese considered that immigration had declared war on Japan.
1930 Tokyo's withdrawal from the League of Nations and encouraged Japanese elites to reconstruct a national policy.
In China Chiang's  forces were weakened but this failed to bring a victory to Japan. Japan was now pinning it last homes on Moscow's mediation.
1941 Hirohito was deeply involved in planning the US attack. The military leaders , Hirohito and the Court Group all contributed to Japans defeat. On report say that it was not the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but that Russia was about to enter the war against Japan that finally bough the capitulation. Consider that Japan's last hope was for Russia to mediate. Truman carefully avoided inviting Stalin to sign.
1945  Feb14th  Prince Konoe Fumimaro pleaded with Hirohito to surrender immediately he was brushed aside.
Late July there were few Japanese cities left to be destroyed with bombs and incendiaries.
All the good that came with the restoration of peace is attributed to Hirohito assisted by the occupation forces.
Douglas Mc Author relied on the emperor to legitimize extensive occupation, reforms and further his own political ambitions.  The emperor could have been indicted at the International Military Tribunal in Tokyo.
1947 National Constitution drafted by Mc Author stripped the monarch of power diminished his authority and redefined him as a "symbol emperor" Okinawa became an American naval base to dominate the pacific.
1951 When Macarthur was fired by Truman for taking a political stand on Korea General Mathew Ridgeway replaced him 
1989 Hirohito  Died  56 year old Crown Prince Akihito succeeded him. Akihito said my generation has lived for a long time with out war and I have no need to reflect on war. They visited China in 1982
1989 End of Cold war

2000 China's spectacular economic was based on its huge underutilization of its population and formidable manufacturing capacity..
2001 PM Kolzumi Junichtra of Japan
2001 When America went to war against Iraq PM Kaifu Toshiki supported the oil sanctions and provided substantial finding  because of Japans need for oil.
Spratly Archipelago here china build artificial island to bolster her claim to most of the South China Sea.
The Nuclear policy of Kim John Un is a defensive reaction to Washington's long standing policy of regime change.
China is determined to prevent the Kim regime collapsing into chaos.
2007 the Japan house of representatives accepted responsibility for the comfort women or sexual slavery practices by the Imperial Armed Forces during their occupation of the Asian island.
2014 The truth behind Japans involvement in WW2 came with the official release of Hirohito's biography. This is in 18 volumes. The monarchy never hesitated from a foreign power protecting it against communism. 
2019 Nurihito became Emperor of Japan as his father abdicated.

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