Friday, September 20, 2024

The Wolf Hunt by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen 2023 289pg 30/9/24

Relocation  is the original title in Hebrew and shows a   split and tension in the lives of expatriate Israelis who have relocated to America. 

 Ayelet Gundar-Goshen’s 4th book. Note the original Hebrew published in 2021.
Silicon Valley, tells us that her son Adam, 16, has been accused of killing a Black boy from his school.
 “We raised an American child who went to high school with American children, and now they say he killed another American child.”   “Since when do Blacks attack Jews? That’s always been the white people’s job.”  ​The great­est mys­tery in people’s lives is their children.” 
 Parenting, antisemitism, masculinity are the themes   Displacement of Black communities in certain parts of America (in this case Palo Alto) through gentrification with the arrival of High Tech workers.. The factors that have pushed Israelis to leave their home country which they want to stay connected to but that also puts pressure on them to succeed in America.  Her husband is the sole breadwinner and she with a doctorate can't advance her career. Had she stayed in Israel she would have got her doctorate published. She has job part time at a care home with little challenge and doesn't pay much. She screened the movie East of Eden which is a Cain and Able Plot.  You had consultants for breastfeeding and consultants for  toilet training but the people who did the work were the Hispanic women.
In Pittsburg synagogue on Rosh Hashana a man goes in with a machete wounding several and killing a woman. There are kids that choose to do karate classes and those who are the chess types.
Adam enrolls in a self-defense class taught by a former Israeli Special Forces officer. There, for the first time, he finds a sense of confidence and belonging. Lilach is  glad that there is at least one adult Uri  who can communicate with her son.
Visitors from Israel bring sunflower seeds. His visiting cousins Assi and Aviv were up running every morning to be able to join an elite combat unit. As boys they had a  competition to see who could pee the furthest - Now they compared their children in the same way as they compared their pricks then. 
Uri had been part of the IDF general staff and after leaving the army the boys heard he had joined the mossad. Is the class of Krav Maga a cover story. Israelis hardly ever come to the synagogue.
Adam had not been keen to go to this party at Josh but his parents persuaded him to.
Uri's voice not only commanded people but also forces of nature.
Adam saved a puppy which he named Kelev (dog in Hebrew) that had been badly beaten and because it had a scar kids did not pet it "The scar isn't ugly only the people who gave it to him are ugly"  These same boys bullied Adam and were led by Jamal Jones.
Another dead boy in America , Jamal Jones was a black Moslem. He died at the party of cardiac arrest  later it is called drug overdose.. For almost 20 years there were get togethers with Israelis and they always discussed where you served in the army..
Tethys Ocean area of ocean in the period of Gwondaland before it split up. Before Mikhail  met  Lilach he had never thought of opening his adoption file,
Uri - Adam didn't tell you that he was being bullied at school, Jamal was the worst bully, .and made up songs about Adam that he posted on the class chat  group. School bullying is very common. Kids are hassled for wearing glasses or being fat. A child who hurts other is a child who is hurt by others.   Mikhael had planned to recommend Uri to Berman to offer him a job. Programmers are a dime a dozen but good people are rare.
After the graffiti the police kept everyone out the school till they had checked it for bombs. There were only 20 Jewish kids in the high school of 400 students. Jamal's mother had left her drunk husband and worked as a room cleaner in the hotel.
When Lilach visited Jamal's mother she was shown Jamal's room with a picture of Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. She never said anything but Adam's  Jordan sneakers and  other thing taken from him with his name on them were in the room. She was almost glad the boy was dead. The press said that he had overdosed on a home made drug.
Lilach had wanted to raise Adam in a place that had no wars but maybe she was exposing him to a different kind of insanity. Boys need motorcycles to prove to themselves they are boys. They discuss the difference between friendship in nature and friendship in captivity. Of the Israeli community abroad.
Uri advised Adam to erase his search history on the computers and phone before the police ask for it.  Uri came into their lives a few months ago and knew more about their son than the parents did. Uri's slogan was "if someone wants to kill you, rise up and kill him first.

On the kibbutz Omer Shapiro  teased him as they said he was adopted.(true ) as he was a darker shade than his parents, In the pool he held Omer under water to punish him and when he pulled him out he was regarded as a hero for saving him. Omer kept his distance after that.
The worst thing that can happen to an 18 year old kid is he is told he can do anything he wants.
People in Silicon Valley put everything The Nation the politics aside to get rich. Money is the most dangerous ideology, it holds nothing sacred and allows you to do everything. American children smelled foreignness the way great white sharks smell blood.
After refusing to speak Hebrew outside the house at 6,  at 16 the dormant Israeliness awoke at once. Netta left Uri's class there were 3 rats caught and he asked for volunteers who could kill them with their bare hands, he made a ritual of it. Your son is a nutcase like the Uri that he admires.
Mikhaels company developed security products i.e. weapons. Typical Lilack prepares schnitzels. The narcotics squad visits the house with dogs. Embarrassing the family and took Adam's laptop and notebooks, but the chemistry lab had vanished. In Jamal's room they found traces of weed and his mother admitted her son was gay and liked boys. How well do you know your son she asked Lilach.
 Kids got Ritalin from friends to cope with exams and half the class takes it in pill form. In the states when children grew up they rolled all over the continent like marbles.
The rabbi says he didn't think that there would be a blood libel against Jews in this day and age. A rock came through the window.
In the Galilee while Lilach was pregnant their was missiles falling and she later lost the daughter. I loved Israel the way a women loves an abusive husband and understands she must get away from him to save the children. They were suspicious of the same car driving around till somebody said it the neighbors driving to get his baby to fall asleep
People on their deathbeds always spoke the languages they were born into.
Their Kelev was killed and they phoned Uri to help. Uri helped them bury the dog and stayed the night and they feel safer. Adam is in shock.
When Lilach phoned the Hotel in Washington DC, she discovered that he never stayed there and realizes that he took a different hotel with his secretary secretly.  All vice president fuck their secretaries. It turns out that they arrived switched hotels as they were in the same hotel as their  competitors and were worried about espionage. His secretary didn't come and another secretary took her place.
Meanwhile she had a relationship with Uri and he had to send an email message and asked her for the code to Mikhael computer as he didn't have his cellphone with him.. The more they worried about Adam the more the let Uri insinuate into their lives.
Uri was arrested when he tried to sell information to the competitor  and found stuff on Uri's computer. He needed a lot of money and fast so he could get near to his kids.
The reason he trusted Uri was comradeship amongst solders but the Pentagon could not take up their product as a result as it had been compromised.
Annabel Jones will present  Jamal Jones Scholarship for excellence at graduation.
 Adam after graduation goes for 3 weeks Birthright trip to Israel and it hints that he will remain there.
The books ends with her visiting Uri in jail where he is for industrial espionage, he will have no other visitors and he bites his nails..

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