Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh 1956 181pg.

This is a novel that tries to show the social effect of partition of the average Indian. 18/11/24

movie of this book was released in 1998  

India before partition had a population of 400 million with an annual increase of 4 million.
Mano Majra, the fictional Indian village on the border of Pakistan, here people from all religions and sects once lived in harmony, but outside there are Moslem and Sikhs killing each other.
“Freedom is for the educated people who fought for it. We were slaves of the English, now we will be slaves of the educated Indians—or the Pakistanis” 
The District magistrate is a man in moral conflict who has probably used his power over the years with much corruption. He is washing himself like Pontius Pilate and drinking alcohol to flee guilt.  
 Iqbal is a Sikh a political agitator for workers rights but when it comes to action he does nothing. Jugga is described as a budmash, a bad man, by others but ultimately becomes a hero. 
1947 The cataclysmic events of the partition of India and creation of  Pakistan. This is a  social document on the upheaval, by a Punjabi whose family was uprooted.  Summer of 1947 was a long hot one. Riots broke out in  Calcutta and spread to Noakhali in East Bengal, Bihar and the Punjab. By the time the monsoons came a million people were dead. Rivers change their courses and moods without warning. The bridge has 18 enormous spans and a single track , express trains don't stop only the slow passenger  trains one in the morning from Lahore to Delhi and one in the evening to Lahore. The trains coming through set the times like prayers in the morning or  that of the evening meal.
Decoits killed the village money lender. Father and grandfather were decoits but they never robbed in their own village. With the monsoon Sutlej River is a grand and terrifying sight. No body in the villages knew of the British and the partition of Hindustan -Pakistan or about Gandhi or Jinna.
The police had heard of several young well to do men in peasant garb doing uplift work , some communist agents, all capable of making a lot of trouble. He claimed to be a social worker. He was asked why the English left. Everyone is welcome to his religion.
In Punjab the young men were all alike they wanted wives who were virgins' and women good at household chores. The match had to correspond to the horoscope. The press had an article on Indian ballet , movies and movie stars and  Tagore, Bengali poetwriter1861 to 1941. Rabindranath
In India the subject of sex always came up and you saw it on the billboards advertising aphrodisiacs' and cures for the bad effect of masturbation's, remedies and quacks against bareness, no people used some must incestuous  insults as here.
September things started going wrong trains were no longer punctual and ran through the night., the changed driver before going into Pakistan. A ghost train arrived from Pakistan nobody on the roof and a stench of death. People were kept away. The villages were paid for firewood and paraffin and the army burned the bodies.
Monsoon is another word for rain the Arabic means season. The winter is simple cold rain but the summer is proceeded by drought, hot and thirsty, rivers and everything dries up till the monsoon that lasts for 2 or more months is welcomes.
Hijras (Hermaphrodites')   are not Moslem or Hindu. They  were dancers singer and entertainers. Sikhs who objected to them heard their joke "Are you worried that you will stop having children because of our presence"
The Moslems were rounded up and put in a camp for their own protection but they asked "What have we got to do with Pakistan?" We have lived all our life in this village. Where on earth would a man's life depend on whether on not his foreskin was removed ?
India is constipated with a lot of Humbug. Take religion. For the  Hindu it means little besides cast and cow protection. For the Muslim circumcision's and kosher meat. Parsi  fire worship and feeding vultures. The ethics that should be the kernel of a religious code has been carefully removed.
When people go about with guns and spears you can only talk back with guns and spears.
Nooran was  pregnant with Jugga's daughter and his mother said what does a Moslem weavers daughter want with my  Sikh's peasant. son.   Malli's gang were let loose and took all goods left by the Moslems.
Now the topic of conversation was that the Sutlej river kept on going up and there were villages that had been flooded. Dead bodies were floating down that were not drowned but murdered.
With light they saw a ghost train that had arrived from Pakistan but there was no wood to burn and it was too wet. A bulldozer appeared and dug a trench that was filled with bodies. 
Do you know how many trainloads of Sikhs and Hindus have come over ?How many massacres' have taken place in Rawalpindi , Gujranwala and Sheikhupura. This young army officer organized that they kill the Moslems on the train to Pakistan and they must show that they are men
A rope had been put across the rail line on the bridge it would have been like a knife cutting people on to of the train.  The young tall man(Jugga ?) started cutting it and some one shot at him to stop him, just as the train arrived he cut though the last strand and fell down with the rope under the train.

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