Friday, March 6, 2020

Becoming Abraham Lincoln: The coming of age. by Richard Kigel 2017 240pg

  Young Abraham Lincoln before he ran for office.26/1/20

Things I know are in books and my best friend will get me a book I ain't read.  1809 to 1865
Walt Whitman went to Washington in 1862 as a reporter and wanted Americans to know the devastating price paid by soldiers. He edited 2 Brooklyn papers.
Lincoln left little writings on his childhood. His law partner William Hendon became his true biographer, he searched out people who knew Lincoln's family. From 1844 till 1861 Billy Hendon was Abe's junior partner
April 3rd 1865 the Confederate army had left Richmond Virginia and Lincoln went to visit the Southern White House 12 days later he was dead.
Hendon met people from New Salem from 30 years before.
End of 1871 General Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington. Grandfather Abe Lincoln and  Daniel Boone families had been friends in England. The Boone family came to Pennsylvania and the Lincoln's came to Virginia. Later they sold their farm and moved to Kentucky, where Abe was killed by Indians.
1807 Slaves could not longer be legally imported into the States. Tom Lincoln was a carpenter and moved his family to Indiana. As a territory it declared in its constitution it was a non slave state. He sold his property in Kentucky and acquired liquor was a commodity which was used as an alternative to money.
1816 Indiana became 19th State. When you went to a mill you brought your horse to provide the power and Abe was kicked and recovered from a coma. Snakeroot killed cows but if you had drunk their milk you also could die. He was 9 when his mother died but his future depended on her as she had taught him to read. His father married widow Johnson who had been a childhood friend and paid her debts and brought her to the Indiana home with her furniture and 3 children, a girl a boy Abe's age and a younger girl.
Some of the books Abe read were Robinson Caruso, Arabian Nights, Franklins autobiography, Weems life of Washington, Loss of the American Brig Commerce by James Riley. He could hear the sermon at church and repeat it verbatim afterwards. When asked what he wanted to do as an adult - become the President of the US. He was encouraged by his step mother as a mentor.
1828 Abe's sister died in childbirth with her baby this was a terrible shock to him. He had a girlfriend Ann Rutledge who he really loved and they had agreed to get married but she died in 1835. Even though Abe had a boisterous personality he was a melancholy person. Later he would bury 2 of his own sons as president, as well as a generation of healthy young Americans.
He worked as a ferryman across the from Indiana to Kentucky and ferried people to steamboats.
He and a merchants son build a raft which they floated down the Ohio and Mississippi taking goods, it took 3 weeks to New Orleans and selling or bartering them as well as the boats timber, and then returned up river by steamer. Here he saw the slave market and vowed that he would fight to end slavery, which he thought was a curse on the land.
1830 he helped move his parents to Illinois they sold the Indiana property and moved by ox wagon. He was a great wrestler when challenged to a fight.
1831 He lived in New Salem, Illinois which was on the Sangamon River where there was  a saw and grist mill. When Illinois called for militia to volunteer to fight the Indians under Black Hawk and was chosen to be a Captain. Black Hawk was captured by Lieutenant Jefferson Davis who later became president of the Confederate States
1832 President Andrew Jackson against Henry Clay, Abe supported Clay.
Abe set up a trading store and lost a lot of money and he finally paid  off the debt in 1946 as president. He learned maths and surveying and finally started making a good living surveying roads and property lines.
At the age of  34 Abe won a seat in the Illinois legislature and travelled by stage coach to the capital Vandalia after 1839 Springfield became the capital.

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