Monday, March 23, 2020

The English by Jeremy Paxman 1998 216pp

What we don't know about the English?      26/3/17

This book explains that the English have always felt themselves to be the best happiest nation and believe the foreigners would want to be English.  The closest foreigners are the French and you get French letters, French disease and other negative concepts about them.
The rest of the world is overseas. Germany could not invade because of this and there was resistance to LeManch the tunnel under the channel as a result.
1777 the last Cornish native speaker. Manx 1974, Deeside Gaelic 1984.  In Ireland political prisoners learn Irish for political reasons.
Andrew Bonner Law a Scottish Ulsterman was born in New Brunswick Canada and was the only foreign born Prime Minister between 1922/1923.
Roman occupation was a great benefit to England while Wales and Scotland were left out of this.  The English Race is basically German. For almost 900 years after 1066 the English population stayed stable while the borders in Europe kept changing. Beside Celt blood in the 14th and 16C immigrants arrived from Flanders 17C, Huguenots from France and later Jews from Eastern Europe.
When Prince Phillip married Elizabeth II he had to renounce claim to the Greek throne.
In 1900 half the ships on the high seas were registered in the UK and a third of world trade. By 1995 this had fallen to 5%
English is the language of the 3rd Millennium and it no longer belongs to England.
Battle of Omdurman Sudan 1896 using Maxim guns 28 British were killed to 11000 Dervishes.
In the colonies" To be an Englishman" was to belong to the most exclusive club. Anyone who is born in the UK to parents that arrived legally gets citizenship unlike 7 million Turk aliens in Germany.
 Most dark immigrants have integrated into England and there is no neighborhood that is totally black like in US inner cities.
Under Henry VIII the Anglican Church took over the Catholic churches they destroyed all mediaeval art in England till 120 years later with the death of Cromwell and this is the point that English cultural tradition cut itself off from Europe.  So the visual was replaced by the verbal and writing developed not painting. The King James Bible came out in 1611 the same period as Shakespeare.
Home ownership is high and the English are very homebound and don't easily invite visitors.  With the Channel tunnel the French state easily set up the fast track while on the English side they slowly had to deal with the land owners on the way and they track was only ready in 2007.
The king or states have never been powerful. Property rights developed while Europe was still feudal.
In Rupert Brook’s famous sonnet he hopes that where he is buried will always be a piece of England.  He imagined rural fields and hedges but by 1850 was the first country in the world to have half its population in urban centres.
Blake’s "New Jerusalem” was put to music in 1916 for the war effort.  England does not have a national anthem.
Whereas France had city planning in England it came about.  The wealthy classes want the rural areas preserved while poor people in the country are unable to modernize.
While the French Lyceum taught book subjects the English Public School emphasized sport.  The English are mediocre and no ism ever succeeded there.
Rudyard Kipling arranged a commission for his only son who died in WW1.
1877 the first Wimbledon tennis match. The English don't support a cricket team they follow it!
While England developed incrementally Germany went from monarchy to republic, to Reich then partition between capitalism and communism and finally reunification, giving the society quite a challenge.
At the end of WW2 the England replaced bombed out parts of cities with worse structures. Germany took Marshal Plan money and reinvented their cities.
Women were only accepted in Cambridge in 1948 before that to become doctors they went to Edinburgh or went abroad.
Today England has the highest divorce rate or single mothers in Europe.
People go to pubs to drink and are a happy class when they are drunk, unlike cafes in Europe where you have a drink then coffee and sit and read a paper or discuss. Soccer and drink and violence go together in England.
Food traditionally was tasteless and even though the English spread all over the colonies and saw different food it did  change home cooking until immigrants brought restaurants.

1 comment:

  1. being born in the UK I can relate to this - we were always taught as a child if you shout loud enough at the Europeans they will understand , but apart from joking the did have one of the worlds largest empire's and indeed the Naval fleet - I belive that more or less after the 1st world war it started to change and certainly by the end of the 2nd world war . the 1960"s saw independence give to may countries and today it is very much multy cultered as are many countries


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